I’ve never been one to feel compelled to take photographs. I am amazed at how many people experience life by looking at things through their phones. Even though I completely understand the lure of ‘the second screen’ my aversion probably comes from spending so many years trying to convince people to experience the arts and find myself now at concerts or plays with people trying to take pictures instead of being engaged. People work very hard at capturing the moment rather than having the moment.
Having said that, eventually I too was seduced by Instagram. It started when I saw what some of my friends and colleagues were doing with it, some of them artists and some not, but all every now and then capturing really engaging photographs. So I joined the service simply to see what my friends were doing. But since it was there I found myself also taking photographs. Thinking about it now I realize that in my case it is not about taking good or funny pictures, but for me it is instead a really quick way to document something that has given me pause during my day to day. Things that made me stop during my perpetual daily rush now get photographed instead of documented in a notebook, which is easier and faster.
Instagram had interesting origins, and was sold for a ton of money to Facebook, but is it the best thing to happen to photography? The wonderful folks at PBS Idea Channel make the case in their latest episode. What do you think?