Seaweed: @theLXD - excerpt from YouTube Play at the Guggenheim

Last night I connected my laptop to my tv and watched YouTube Play live from the Guggenheim, while one of my friends, someone I’ve known most of my life, watched in Korea. Three different locations around the world connected by technology to celebrate art, passion, creativity.

This moment that pays tribute to the amazing video work of Seaweed and the truly extraordinary LXD encapsulates in a nutshell why it is awesome to love and want to do creative work today.

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit

The Gettysburg Address Animated

Lincoln's speech revisited. Read by Mitch Rapoport. Design and animation by Adam Gault and Stefanie Augustine. Sound design by Chris Villepigue | Additional animation by Carlo Vega.

This is truly beautiful. Gorgeously executed. One of my favorite motion graphics of the year.

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit

The 600 Years Building Video Projection

Mapping during 600 years anniversary of the astronomical tower clock situated at Old Town Square in center of Prague. Concept and animations by The Macula (Amar Mulabegović, Dan Gregor) Coworking animators: Michal Kotek Lukáš Duběda Sound: data-live ( Production: Tomato Production (

Lately we've seen many great examples of video projections and this one is particularly good. The one thing that I've yet to see anyone mention is how important sound design is to these projections. Without good sound design this would not be able to have any context.

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit

Everything Is a Remix (Part One) - Must Watch Documentary


I’ve often joked with friends that at the rate we are going with sampling, with less and less time between the creation of the original work and the use of it in a sample, that the creative process behind pop music (in particular) is very much a serpent about to eat its tail.

But this short video, 8 minutes, has shown me that this process has been going on for much longer than I knew. We all think our generation invented the tools of cool.

This is a must watch video, and I can not wait to see the next 3 parts.

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit

Pixar's Randy Nelson on collaboration

Fantastic. In 9 minutes he adresses collaboration vs. cooperation, how one must be able to translate ideas and most importantly be interested.


Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit