The Making of Movie Titles
/Title designer Dan Perri explains how he designed movie titles for films such as "Star Wars," "The Exorcist," and "Raging Bull."
Exploring the ways in which artists, artisans and technicians are intelligently expressing their creativity with a passion for culture, technology, marketing and advertising.
Title designer Dan Perri explains how he designed movie titles for films such as "Star Wars," "The Exorcist," and "Raging Bull."
_leeclowsbeard on Instagram by Jason Fox inspired by Lee Clow.
A quick look at Pixar's approach to storytelling and character development.
Kirby Ferguson continues the Everything is a Remix series with a look at Star Wars.
Brian Solis continuing a conversation about logos, after it was discovered that a few modern logos look a lot like logos from a design book:
Without purpose, a logo is merely design. If it’s borrowed or if it’s completely original, it makes no difference if it’s unrelatable. In the end, a meaningful logo is a symbol of what you stand for and what you aspire to do or be that attracts me to stand with you. It’s how you bring that purpose and meaning to life, in every moment of truth, that shapes my experience.
A collection of links, ideas and posts by Antonio Ortiz.
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