The Creativity of Web Design, Indie Video Games and Fans

There has been much talk about support for public television this past week​ and so it is time to visit PBS Off Book once again to remind ourselves of the great work PBS Digital is doing. From indie video games, featuring many great games I've played and highly endorse, to the creation of websites and the powerful role of fans in shaping not only the niche cultures they passionately love but also society as a whole, these three mini documentaries showcase the best the studio is producing. 

​The video game industry is now bigger than Hollywood, with hundreds of millions of dollars spent developing these interactive experiences. But there are also small-scale developers working in the indie game realm, creating unique and experimental video games without the budgets of the larger "AAA" games. These indie game developers devote time, money, and take great risks in a quest to realize their creative vision. They deftly balance game mechanics & systems, sound & visuals, and an immersive storytelling experience to push the gaming medium into revolutionary new territory. Much like indie music or indie film, the indie gaming movement provides a creative outlet for game designers who want to work outside of the mainstream.


Jamin Warren, Kill Screen Magazine
​Zach Gage, creator of Spelltower
Darren Korb, audio designer of Bastion
Eddy Boxerman & Andy Nealen, creators of Osmos
Leigh Alexander, gaming journalist

Complete list of games featured.​

The explosion of the internet over the past 20 years has led to the development of one of the newest creative mediums: the website. Web designers have adapted through the technological developments of html, CSS, Flash, and JavaScript, and have mastered the balance between creativity and usability. Now with the advance of mobile, the greatest websites have taken user experience and responsive design to the next level, and continue our evolution from print to a digital world.


Jeffrey Zeldman
Jason Santa Maria
Whitney Hess 

Before the mass media, people actively engaged with culture through storytelling and expanding well-known tales. Modern fan culture connects to this historical tradition, and has become a force that challenges social norms and accepted behavior. Whether the issue is gender, sexuality, subversiveness, or even intellectual property law, fans participate in communities that allow them to think outside of what is possible in more mainstream scenarios. "Fannish" behavior has become its own grassroots way of altering our society and culture, and a means of actively experiencing one's own culture. In a sense, fans have changed from the faceless adoring masses, to people who are proud of their identity and are stretching the boundaries of what is considered "normal". 


Prof. Francesca Coppa, Muhlenberg College 
​Chris Menning, editor at Modern Primate
​Amanda Brennan, researcher at Know Your Meme 
​Dr. Whitney Phillips, lecturer at NYU
​Alexa Dacre, fan fiction writer
Naomi Novik, Organization for Transformative Works


Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit

Frank Chimero: Do Things The Long, Hard Stupid Way

Ending the week with a bit of optimistic storytelling by designer and illustrator Frank Chimero, at the Do Lectures, talking about the side benefits of doing things the long, hard, stupid way. The book he mentions during the talk, The Shape of Design, is now finished and you should read it. The beautifully produced printed book is sold out but you can get it as an ebook or read it online. In the talk he also discusses the idea of gifts and our creative work as gift giving, especially in a digital age. Themes from a must-read book by Lewis Hyde called appropriatelly The Gift. So this weekend spend some time thinking about what things you can create and meaningfully give away. 

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit

Design Wants to Be Free

Design wants to be free, to paraphrase Stewart Brand. And when I say “free,” I’m talking about the broadest sense of the word—meaning both low-cost and liberated. We’re not there yet, but that moment isn’t far off. What will liberate design? Our tools, for one; they are increasingly cheap, powerful, and available to all. Design no longer signifies high priests at their drafting tables but rather you and me at our computers: 3-D printers are the new inkjets, and the age of desktop publishing is fast becoming the age of desktop manufacturing. Haven’t yet printed your own toys, household staples, and replacement parts? You will soon. And even if you’re not remotely interested in making stuff yourself, you’re probably still quick to appreciate that there’s something really cool about skyscrapers that go up in two weeks or the glass that protects your iPhone.


Design isn’t just something we appreciate, it’s something we do. Autodesk is helping by creating tools and services that it hopes will power the maker movement. And Etsy is changing the definition of “handmade” by helping its sellers manufacture their wares on a larger scale.

Yves Behar introduces the Wired Design Issue, featuring a look at the new MakerBot Replicator and an engrossing article on something we all carry in our pockets, gorilla glass


Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit

A year inside The Australian Ballet: Episode 6 - Dressing the ballet

Episode #6 of our behind-the-scenes series takes you inside the wardrobe department, giving you a close-up look at the loving construction of Swan Lake costumes. Senior Artist Amy Harris chats to designer Hugh Colman, gets a fitting and tries out her new tutu in the studio, while our painstaking costumiers fashion sequins, pearls, brocade, and tulle into stunning creations.

For a year The Australian Ballet has opened their doors in this behind-the-scenes series. This episode takes you inside the wardrobe department, giving you a close-up look at the loving construction of Swan Lake costumes. Senior Artist Amy Harris chats to designer Hugh Colman, gets a fitting and tries out her new tutu in the studio, while costumiers fashion sequins, pearls, brocade, and tulle into stunning creations.

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit

What Is Design? In honor of Bill Moggridge, 1943-2012

A tribute to Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum director Bill Moggridge, who passed away on September 8, 2012 following a battle with cancer. Hear about his pioneering work and influence in the field of design from Tim Brown and David Kelley of IDEO, Bernie Roth of Stanford University and Caroline Baumann and Cara McCarty of Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum.

Here he is speaking to K-12 Educators from New York and across the country, addressing the question of "What is Design?"

You should really take a moment to honor his contributions to design and design thinking by (re)reading his books Designing Interactions and Designing Media. ​

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit