Iconic: The Week's Links
- Should I care what other people think about me? The advice you should seek (and ignore) to become more self-aware owl.li/gypm30cCP61
- The psychology behind some of video gaming’s most iconic sounds owl.li/vFsV30cB9yy
- Using Science To Combat Trauma In The Classroom owl.li/SVBY30cCPwE
- What We Learned at the 2017 99U Conference owl.li/iLJN30cCOXe
- The Harvard Library That Protects The World’s Rarest Colors owl.li/BYOO30cCOV3
- How do you say no to bad ideas? owl.li/whrz30cB6Ib
- The 8 Coolest TED Talks on Psychology owl.li/BGQF30cAyFA
- Facebook Building Feature to Let Users Subscribe to News Publications owl.li/UPHn30cyRT0
- Who invented e-mail? Inside Shiva Ayyadurai’s legal war against his critics owl.li/2yTk30cAypc
- 4 Powerful Ways To Use The Art of Storytelling – Jeff Bullas owl.li/IIZ330cyRQ3
- Cuba: Where underground arcades, secret networks and piracy are a way of life owl.li/w01U30cz41L
- What Designers Can Learn From The Museum Of Failure (Yes, It Exists) owl.li/xYyh30cyQTR
- This Guy Spent A Year Exploring The Subculture Of Competitive Punning owl.li/nNXj30cyZ5i
- Netflix’s Black Mirror adapts to a high-tech 'paper' format owl.li/ENFk30cB7aO
- A video game trailer is eligible to be nominated for an Academy Award owl.li/JJg330cyYUu
- Charles P. Thacker Dies at 74; Helped Design Early Personal Computer owl.li/OuwU30cBXUP
- All Your Favorite Opening Credits May Have Been Made By The Same Company owl.li/WYbF30cyQux
- Frank Lloyd Wright Was A Great Architect–But He Was Even Better At Branding owl.li/LzeV30cyPZu
- Monetary Design Mystery: The Nebulous Origins of America’s Iconic Dollar Sign owl.li/JzM830cwWCu
- Why You May Not Even Notice The New York Times’ Major Home Page Redesign owl.li/XnTt30cyPV9
- Lane Ends, Merge Left: Redesigning the W4-2 Road Sign to End Confusion owl.li/hVth30cwWsn
- Why Emigre mattered – and still matters - Creative Review owl.li/IYxE30cyP2C
- Tim Cook: Technology Should Serve Humanity, Not the Other Way Around owl.li/Qzq230cwVQB
- Design in the Era of the Algorithm owl.li/NLQZ30cyP16
- Growth in mobile news use driven by older adults | Pew Research Center owl.li/bxmG30cyQAH
- Popular Science: Spaceship Apple- Watch our private tour of Campus 2, Apple’s upcoming headquarters owl.li/KIk330cx2pU
- We asked 3 experts: How will AI change our lives in the near future? owl.li/Oyt130cwVKG
- Two surprising strategies for effective innovation owl.li/2onC30cwVGw
- Introduction to Python, Data Science & Computational Thinking: Free Online Courses from MIT owl.li/k3xJ30cwUOS
- If architects designed a beautiful, sci-fi future, it would look like this owl.li/9Pnf30cwVBQ
- Awe-inspiring photos of empty European libraries owl.li/R4bY30cwUHM
- What 2,000 deaths can teach us about living a good life owl.li/WS1e30cwVq2
- How Lego clicked: the brand that reinvented itself owl.li/3tU730cwUxF
- The History of Punk Rock in 200 Tracks: An 11-Hour Playlist Takes You From 1965 to 2016 owl.li/dOdn30cwVhq
- Five Ways to Benefit from Embracing Spontaneity and Disorder owl.li/jUj430cwVN0
- Akira Kurosawa’s Names His 21 Favorite Art Films in the Criterion Collection owl.li/WvSY30cwUVh
- Human Activities Are Taking Their Toll in the Deep Ocean owl.li/JfDK30cwPgQ
- The art of writing an obituary – The Economist owl.li/HIgq30cwUgS
- Shipping Giants Are Looking to Self-Piloting Boats to Shift Cargo owl.li/abnR30cwOXt
- A masterful video tribute to 40 years of hip hop in 4 minutes owl.li/H0n030cwTip
- Eli Pariser Predicted the Future. Now He Can’t Escape It. owl.li/GTSd30cwOAe
- Algorithm-Driven Design — How AI is Changing Design by Yury Vetrov owl.li/PfNN30cwSv7
- Wallace Stevens on Reality, Creativity, and Our Greatest Self-Protection from the Pressure of the News owl.li/JYWu30cwOWm
- Inspecting Algorithms for Bias owl.li/l7R130cwPVE
- This Is the Age When Your Brain Is at Its Most Random owl.li/lWoi30cwOij
- Shipping Giants Are Looking to Self-Piloting Boats to Shift Cargo owl.li/Db8b30cwN3b
- An amazing online collection of 40,000 vintage film posters owl.li/v1ku30cub5H
- Anne Lamott: 12 truths I learned from life and writing owl.li/gWtk30cubza
- How The NBA Became The World’s Most Tech-Savvy Sports League owl.li/CLNq30cubNc
- The History of Classical Music in 1200 Tracks: From Gregorian Chant to Górecki (100 Hours of Audio) owl.li/hAEZ30cubcZ
- Ancient Rome’s System of Roads Visualized in the Style of Modern Subway Maps owl.li/UJJd30ctmoS
- At Ai Weiwei’s Unnerving New Installation, The Art Spies On You owl.li/XcUe30cqGbI
- The Ways Your Brain Manages Overload, and How to Improve Them owl.li/Lc6c30cqEC4
- How Merriam-Webster became the star of Twitter owl.li/NOlZ30cqCST
- Google Uses Elephants and Camels to Map Remote Parts of the Globe owl.li/ksEh30cqDqm
- How Lego clicked: the brand that reinvented itself owl.li/Kywl30cpiCp
- Alphabet’s New Air Traffic Control System Steers Drones Away From Peril - MIT Technology Review owl.li/410930cqDlv
- This Is Your Brain on Exercise owl.li/STj730cpizF
- These are the 10 breakthrough technologies you need to know about right now owl.li/eJ4730cqDai
- Oldest Homo sapiens bones ever found shake foundations of the human story | Science owl.li/YZUH30cqK4n
- New data on the types of ads internet users hate the most owl.li/ejed30cqD4g