Aha: The Week's Links
- Laolu Senbanjo: How an unlikely Nigerian artist landed his designs in Beyoncé’s album Lemonade owl.li/1kS4309YHzF
- Research by Harvard Business School prof finds web generated $1.12 trillion last year, about 6% of GDP in the US owl.li/pru9309Ybda
- The Americans Has the Best Key Art of Any TV Show. We Asked FX to Walk Us Through All 5 Seasons owl.li/C9Ao309W4aV
- Why Are So Many Freelance Graphic Designers Working for Free? owl.li/pIYU309WJ7D
- From the wonderful folks at James Beard Foundation: WHERE TO EAT THE BEST BAKED GOODS IN THE U.S. owl.li/FO56309UT9i
- Negative Space: Logo Design with Michael Bierut - 99% Invisible owl.li/e0K9309WIXp
- This Virginia Winery Once Housed One of WWII's Most Important Spy Stations owl.li/MbTb309UT78
- Humans Made the Banana Perfect—But Soon, It’ll Be Gone owl.li/Gn7A309WGKu
- The World Changing Ideas Of 2017 owl.li/nDOe309YHHJ
- This Bookstore’s Clickbait Headlines on Facebook Are Actually the Plots of Classic Novels owl.li/oT9U309WifE
- #TEDEdChat: New experiments in self-teaching | Sugata Mitra owl.li/slmA309URK0
- Netflix is finishing and releasing one of Orson Welles’ famously unseen films owl.li/XsYf309URIu
- Prosanta Chakrabarty: Clues to prehistoric times, found in blind cavefish owl.li/tsf6309UBEn
- The Deepest Metro Stations in The World owl.li/zAnv309UEXC
- Astounding Details of Mad Max Fury Road Production Design owl.li/VKRi309UyEj
- How Director Karin Fong Finds Her ‘Aha’ Moments owl.li/p2ce309UE8d
- Massive, Incredibly Detailed Statue of Ramses II Found Beneath Cairo Neighborhood owl.li/3pia309RT8Z
- Looking Back to Look Forward: Illustration Styles of the Past 30 Years owl.li/TOup309UDY2
- The infinite life of pi - Reynaldo Lopes owl.li/hchF309URMk
- London Symphony Orchestra identity owl.li/pqFv309UDzU
- Flecks of Extraterrestrial Dust, All Over the Roof owl.li/eXAw309RlC5
- The World Changing Ideas Of 2017 owl.li/rNXK309Rlsj
- Frank Lloyd Wright's lost buildings could be brought back to life owl.li/IQyX309PAUF
- IBM has figured out how to store data and information on a single atom owl.li/LDYC309PN17
- What’s So Complex about Shakespeare’s Immortal Rosalind? owl.li/qEan309PAwK
- Jeong Kwan, the Philosopher Chef owl.li/1QLW309PMZF
- Using Shakespeare to Ease the Trauma of War owl.li/dMKN309PArZ
- Goya etchings found in French chateau are 'once in a lifetime discovery' owl.li/BZYJ309PAWO
- A Brief History of Protest Art owl.li/tz8j309RknG
- Netflix’s interactive storylines go against the rules of TV owl.li/yegY309PAnr
- How Should We Think About Extinction Of A Species? The Answer Lies At The Intersection Of Science And Art owl.li/vfLW309PAdz
- Give Me a Sign: Signage Designs from Around the World owl.li/e9ju309PodY
- Reading Jane Austen’s Final, Unfinished Novel owl.li/yreO309Pnpp
- How Black Pepper Won Europe From a Better Pepper owl.li/BK4F309PocO
- We Have Overcome the Plant-Animal Communication Barrier, MIT Professor Claims owl.li/NpiY309Pnnu
- Using Flickr Photos to Map the Scenic Routes of Every City in The World owl.li/nzfB309Pobo
- Rhetological Fallacies: Erros and manipulation of rhetoric and logical thinking owl.li/Mus6309PnkP
- The Inevitable, Intergalactic Awkwardness of Time Capsules owl.li/K8kR309Pns3
- Netflix To Introduce Interactive Storylines owl.li/goZx309PAl1
- Tim Berners-Lee: I invented the web. Here are three things we need to change to save it owl.li/B4XM309PhV4
- What the CIA WikiLeaks Dump Tells Us: Encryption Works owl.li/ue9g309OTrw
- Chocolate Facts: A History Lesson From Jacques Torres Museum owl.li/p5q7309PhiL
- Inside The Hidden Cheese Cave In Brooklyn owl.li/QScT309OMrt
- A Radical Vision of the Universe Returns to Electrify Physics owl.li/GSrI309OSQx
- TED Playlist: For the love of facts! owl.li/yL7j309OM9q
- Yes, Your Sleep Schedule is Making You Sick owl.li/aB2q309OSPW
- Joy Buolamwini: How I'm fighting bias in algorithms owl.li/kFkQ309OM68
- How technology gets us hooked owl.li/wPhA309OROe
- The Scandalous Flap Books of 16th-Century Venice owl.li/zzTS309ONnR
- The little-known iPhone feature that lets blind people see with their fingers owl.li/X4qf309PeMH
- How Aha! Really Happens owl.li/9FXw309OcML
- Why you think you’re right, even when you’re wrong owl.li/qVxR309OcKc
- The many ways Design adds business value owl.li/nENp309NPEb
- 25 Songs That Tell Us Where Music Is Going owl.li/9HHb309OcGR
- Is machine-powered creativity possible? owl.li/SgcJ309NPCK
- Ramses II Found Under Cairo Slum - Egyptian Pharaoh Discovery owl.li/NGoM309OcF7
- The 10 Most Innovative Companies In Retail 2017 owl.li/odIa309NENf
- The Story of ‘The Fearless Girl,’ From the Women at McCann Who Made Her owl.li/Etxs309NPHa
- The New Yorker’s chief fact-checker on how to get things right in the era of ‘post-truth’ owl.li/VnFs309OcNX
- Giphy says GIFs – with a hard G – are the new emoji owl.li/8qWz309NPGr
- A neuroscientist explains a concept at five different levels owl.li/IfxE309NE3f
- If only 100 people lived on Earth… owl.li/lFq1309NE15
- Government Logos From Best to Worst, Ranked by Roman Mars owl.li/n7rf309LsdE
- John James Audubon’s five mystery birds owl.li/qMHh309NDXu
- Crime found to be lower in NYC neighborhoods with arts institutions owl.li/FXKM309Ls5g
- Next-Level Food Carving on Fruits and Vegetables by ‘Gaku’ owl.li/ZObX309NDSY
- VIDEO: The Atom Screen Is a Dazzling Screen Made of Thousands of Flying Beads owl.li/FTfx309KwWu
- The shortlist for 2017 Sony World Photography Awards owl.li/fEqt309NDNC
- Alfred Hitchcock Reveals The Secret Sauce for Creating Suspense owl.li/kXRy309NEbm
- Why you think you’re right, even when you’re wrong owl.li/SC7C309MDdx
- The History of Hazardous Clothing, in Pictures owl.li/YF45309KlRn
- 10 Women of Title Design – Part Three owl.li/JsF3309Klyg
- 5 TED-Ed Lessons about awesome women in history owl.li/xUa1309JdkR
- Two Smithsonian Scientists Retrace the Mysterious Circumstances of an 1866 Death and Change History owl.li/Emzm309Jdqd
- Gifs bring iconic photographs from West Side Story rehearsals in 1957 to life owl.li/PVjr309Jdj7
- Katherine Johnson, the NASA Mathematician Who Advanced Human Rights with a Slide Rule and Pencil owl.li/t7re309JdoH
- Leonard Bernstein Introduces 7-Year-Old Yo-Yo Ma: Watch the Youngster Perform for John F. Kennedy (1962) owl.li/u7oV309J8yj
- The Future Of Interaction Design? Personality And Body Language owl.li/WfAs309KtVV
- A Visual Guide To Statistics owl.li/1d5v309Jdmb
- Gravity-Defying Sculpture of Mother Nature Rotating Earth owl.li/xBGQ309Jdlv