Abstract: The Weeks Links
- Behind Hyundai's Real-Time Super Bowl Ad Production owl.li/OumW308AfBo
- Einstein's Unbreakable Persistence Led to His Greatest Regret owl.li/z95F308Aeam
- 4 amazing archeological finds — and how you can help protect others like them owl.li/VoNy308ArxX
- Nintendo Is Making Its Super Bowl Debut With This Ad owl.li/9Rx1308Afrb
- On Value and Digital Minimalism owl.li/aZXt308AeTj
- This Cardboard Emergency Drone Is Designed Not To Come Back owl.li/CHfW308AdYE
- 15 Ads You Won't Want to Miss During Super Bowl LI owl.li/Eaud308Dgnl
- 2017’s Huge Food Trends - The New Yorker owl.li/t10w308AdvT
- This LinkedIn Recruiter's Tips For Showcasing Soft Skills On Job Interviews owl.li/hlBY308zYJ5
- NASA Releases Spectacular New Snapshots of Saturn’s Rings owl.li/46oG308Adio
- Can You Correctly Define These Words That James Joyce Made Up? owl.li/esld308CEry
- Abstract: The Art of Design, a New Series About the Visionary Designers Who Shape Our World owl.li/Mzd6308z92o
- How to Face Uncomfortable Facts owl.li/dGMB308Adgl
- The Design Culture Calendar: February owl.li/Cug7308CqDi
- Best Bookstores to Visit in Cities All Around the World owl.li/7UJh308z90F
- T.S. Eliot's Classic Poem "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" Gets Adapted into a Hip Modern Film owl.li/ww14308Acbt
- Your Creative Calendar: 79 Things To See, Hear, And Read This February owl.li/XVqQ308C7Kn
- Can A Redesigned Courtroom Make The Justice System More Just? owl.li/N7EN308Ae0a
- The Worst Colors To Paint Your Home, According To Science owl.li/4spr308A1oK
- Namco’s founder and ‘father of Pac-Man’ dies at 91 owl.li/145n308y2AE
- Tesla’s Battery Revolution Just Reached Critical Mass owl.li/31t8308y1WI
- Thinking Beyond The Interface owl.li/tDuh308xX4S
- Why Other People Wreck Brainstorms (And How To Stop Them) owl.li/3BcO308y1dT
- Seventeenth Century Shopping List Discovered Under Floorboards of Historic English Home owl.li/Lyc9308xBVf
- Lego Life Is a Social Network That's Safe for Kids owl.li/fA9D308y0p7
- Building Brand Legacy For The Age Of Now: The Ritz-Carlton owl.li/6oa0308vClV
- A Mystery AI Just Crushed the Best Human Players at Poker owl.li/OMM2308y0nz
- Booted up in 1993, this server still runs -- but not for much longer owl.li/I8vp308yq6F
- Super Mario Run: $53 Million in Revenue owl.li/Sncv308xYV7
- 10 Principles For Design In The Age Of AI owl.li/WURj308vC23
- Inside Dropbox’s Identity Overhaul owl.li/H7tG308vBXs
- 40 of the Best Street Photos of 2016 by Photographers Around the World owl.li/LK4u308t2VZ
- What can NASA’s twin study results actually tell us? owl.li/6TQB308vnjT
- The Secrets of Medieval Castles: Stairs are built in a clockwise fashion for a VERY good reason owl.li/HB2i308t2G6
- The Harlem Jazz Singer Who Inspired Betty Boop: Meet the Original Boop-Oop-a-Doop, “Baby Esther" owl.li/ufvc308uY6A
- TED Playlist: Unsolved Mysteries owl.li/WZly308sE6X
- Forget Recounts. Next Election, Encrypt the Vote Instead owl.li/FEL4308tb0v
- Scientists find 'oldest human ancestor' owl.li/2Jlf308vC5H
- Encryption wars: The privacy debate raging in your smartphone owl.li/yCOW308taHX
- The Power of Cautionary Questions: Neil Gaiman on Ray Bradbury’s ‘Fahrenheit 451,’ owl.li/oPNe308s7Zp
- Miniature Scenes Every Day owl.li/JePL308s1vs
- How I Rewired My Brain to Become Fluent in Math owl.li/iv5G308s0d9
- The Asteroid Hunters owl.li/vGdT308s0tb
- A Driver’s License Can be Revoked for the Elderly, but Artistic License? Never. owl.li/lcoE308quWB
- ◉ The Universe in a Cup of Coffee - smartercreativity.com/blog/2017/1/30…
- It’s Way Too Easy to Hack the Hospital owl.li/rz9K308s0qQ
- Hydrogen turned into metal in stunning act of alchemy that could revolutionise technology and spaceflight owl.li/B9hu308qrE5
- Hacker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy: The Future Is Cyberwar owl.li/PyhH308s0pA
- Caleb Barlow: Where is cybercrime really coming from? owl.li/oMpx308sE56
- The Bizarre, Bony-Looking Future of Algorithmic Design owl.li/Tthh308s0ni
- The Legacy of the Apollo 1 Disaster owl.li/QSwm308qr5b
- "Calling Bullshit": See the Syllabus for a College Course Designed to Identify & Combat Bullshit owl.li/OXFE308qqYn
- D.C.'s Franklin School Will Be a "Museum of Linguistics" owl.li/Y8M5308oJcs
- New Tech Takes BBC America’s "Planet Earth II" Even Deeper Into Our World owl.li/u5pH308qcsr
- How to protect your online privacy owl.li/6vul308oIYf
- How Sesame Street Explains The Toughest Parts Of Life owl.li/xX5m308pHVy
- The lost art of losing owl.li/5JXr308orls
- The Coen Brothers Have Directed Their First Super Bowl Ad owl.li/1rMD308oJqP
- Female Samurai Warriors Immortalized in 19th Century Japanese Photos owl.li/tgUK308qrx2
- Governor Cuomo Announces Over $41 Million for Cultural and Arts Organizations owl.li/yPkx308oJeE
- The secrets of people who never get sick owl.li/5Sgd308okU5
- 7 Digital Ad Alternatives You Can Buy for the Same Price as a Super Bowl TV Spot owl.li/q9Tg308o8oz
- 7 Stories that Show Mozart's Weird Genius owl.li/MolD308juGt
- Rob Vargas: How to Design a Magazine Cover without Subject Cooperation owl.li/BqAc308nn8B
- The Story of NASA's Real "Hidden Figures" owl.li/psB0308juy5
- Botticelli's Venus Will Be Shown in the US for the First Time owl.li/DcFL308mhOL
- Creativity Innovators: The Standouts owl.li/2tTy308js26
- Data insights from AIGA's Design Census. owl.li/ucW1308oqsf
- The True Story of Hidden Figures owl.li/zInk308juR0
- Why Google, Twitter, And LinkedIn Employees Are Kicking These Seven Work Habits owl.li/GQmP308juKZ
- The Beginner's Guide to Deliberate Practice owl.li/WG9p308jpKN
- Why paper is the real 'killer app' owl.li/jGEu308jpBW
- Zuckerberg Initiative acquires and will free up science search engine Meta owl.li/U5mz308jloL
- If You Forget As Fast As You Read, This Is For You owl.li/32Oh308jpzD
- Why We’ll See More Creative VR Experiences in 2017 owl.li/XDqt308jjkF
- Heather Mansfield On Fundraising Trends To Watch In 2017 owl.li/PtXo308jmpQ
- How to run your studio like Pentagram owl.li/ceiA308jj6O
- Brazil: A look into Latin America’s largest startup ecosystem owl.li/XKPH308jpVp
- Nonprofit Jargon: 22 Phrases We Love to Hate owl.li/6whR308jm6Q
- A lawyer rewrote Instagram's terms of service for kids. owl.li/iHAL308jm14