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The Week's Links: August 7, 2015


  • Good Libations: A Brief Visual History of Booze
  • The Next Librarian of Congress — The Message
  • Which paintings were the most creative of their time? An algorithm may hold the answers
  • Free: Download Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Short Course, The Inexplicable Universe, in Audio or Video...
  • The Physics of Some Seriously Awesome MythBusters Stunts
  • 8 Contemporary Designers Redefining Typography | The Creators Project
  • Neil Gaiman’s Philosophical Dream, in a Whimsical Animation Narrated by Amanda Palmer
  • 3 Typography Tips For A More Comfortable Read
  • A Neuroscientist Argues That Everybody Is Misunderstanding Fear and Anxiety
  • Dance Network Steps Up 2 Screens This Fall; Initial Programming Announced
  • On 70th anniversary of Hiroshima, read John Hersey’s 1946, issue-long story at
  • You call that a pirouette? Football players learn ballet
  • Stolen Rodin sculpture recovered through lucky breaks, persistent chipping
  • Stunning Sim Shows How Far Hit Songs Have Traveled in Space
  • Explaining graphic design to four-year-olds
  • I run a university. I’m also an Uber driver.
  • Facebook now used by half of world's online users - BBC News
  • The Counterintuitive Art of Leading by Letting Go
  • TV Legend Norman Lear Tells A Story About How He Beat Writer's Block
  • The 4 Types of Productivity Styles
  • “Modern” homepage design increases pageviews and reader comprehension, study finds
  • Inside the 13 Books on the Man Booker Longlist
  • Why we're drawn to fizzy drinks
  • How brand-new words are spreading across America
  • Why we're drawn to fizzy drinks
  • BBC Micro:bit—a free single-board PC for every Year 7 kid in the UK
  • The White House’s Alpha Geeks — Backchannel
  • Watch: 5 Classical Music Gems from Massive New YouTube Archive
  • Infamously Altered Photos, Before and After Their Edits
  • ◉ Recommended: So You've Been Publicly Shamed -…
  • Welcome to the Quietest Square Inch in the U.S.
  • The Story Behind New York Magazine's Powerful Cosby Cover
  • Edison's Files Reveal the Only Known Voice Recording of Someone Born in the 18th Century - The Atlantic
  • ◉ The Acceptance of Change
  • An Introvert’s Guide to Eating and Drinking Out — Human Parts
  • Amazing Stanley Kubrick Narrates a Promo Reel for Dr. Strangelove: Features Unused Takes
  • History of Icons - a visual brief on icon history by FUTURAMO
  • ◉ Ink - Written by Hand -…
  • The Plan to Beam the Web to 3 Billion Unconnected Humans
  • Filmmakers fighting “Happy Birthday” copyright find their “smoking gun”
  • ◉ Recommended: The Story of Art -…
  • Thirteen new spider species discovered in Australia's north
  • Haruki Murakami: the moment I knew I would be a novelist
  • Study: People read more on sites with modern designs. They also remember more. | Poynter.
  • Andy Warhol’s Celebrity Polaroids Are Like Retro Instagrams⁰
  • The Full-Throttle Campaign to Keep Ballet Kicking
  • Researchers Hack Air-Gapped Computer With Simple Cell Phone
  • Ad Age's 2015 Small Agency Awards: See the Winners
  • ◉ The School of Life: Nigella Lawson on Food and Philosophy
  • This Wooden Computer Chip Could Make Recycling Electronics A Lot Easier
  • Dream Job Of The Week: Culinary Diplomat
  • President Obama will host the first-ever White House Demo Day on August 4th
  • The decline of TV viewing in the USA. This Chart Shows Why Comcast Would Be Interested in Vice Media and BuzzFeed
  • Inside the Secret World of Russia’s Cold War Mapmakers
  • 25 Lost Cities
  • 2-Hour Single-Take Heist Thriller Watch the Trailer for the Single-Take Film that Rocked Darren Aronofsky's World
  • Do Fewer Things, More Often
  • Websites, Please Stop Blocking Password Managers. It’s 2015
  • Behind the Lens: Photographing the President in 50 Countries
  • Tony Fadell: What will Google's $3.2bn guru do next? - BBC News
  • My Life as a Magnolia Bakery Cupcake Bouncer
  • What Do You Do to Feel More Creative?
  • Portuguese scientists discover why pendulum clocks swing together
  • The origin of sci-fi movie sounds
  • You Might Not Know Kenny Ortega, But You Probably Know His Choreography
  • 28 Important Philosophers List the Books That Influenced Them Most During Their College Days
  • The nerd's guide to learning everything online
  • What Music Does to Your Brain While You Work
  • Being Neurotic Makes It Harder for You to Remember Things…
  • Rain is sizzling bacon, cars are lions roaring: the art of sound in movies | Jordan Kisner
  • The Secret Agents Who Protect Obama on the Internet
  • How blood pressure works - Wilfred Manzano
  • Johnnie Walker Introduces High End Whisky Tasting Via Tablet
  • How Walking in Nature Changes the Brain
  • The Art of Video Game Photography
  • The world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts
  • The origin of sci-fi movie sounds
  • ◉ On digital luxury and digital intimacy, Jony Ive and Marc Newson with Suzy Menkes
  • Extendable Robot Arms and Exoskeletons Could Benefit from Super-Stretchy Wires | MIT Technology...
  • Some of my favorite accounts. NASA’s Social Media Strategy Is Genius—And Kinda Maddening