The Week's Links: August 7, 2015


  • Good Libations: A Brief Visual History of Booze
  • The Next Librarian of Congress — The Message
  • Which paintings were the most creative of their time? An algorithm may hold the answers
  • Free: Download Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Short Course, The Inexplicable Universe, in Audio or Video...
  • The Physics of Some Seriously Awesome MythBusters Stunts
  • 8 Contemporary Designers Redefining Typography | The Creators Project
  • Neil Gaiman’s Philosophical Dream, in a Whimsical Animation Narrated by Amanda Palmer
  • 3 Typography Tips For A More Comfortable Read
  • A Neuroscientist Argues That Everybody Is Misunderstanding Fear and Anxiety
  • Dance Network Steps Up 2 Screens This Fall; Initial Programming Announced
  • On 70th anniversary of Hiroshima, read John Hersey’s 1946, issue-long story at
  • You call that a pirouette? Football players learn ballet
  • Stolen Rodin sculpture recovered through lucky breaks, persistent chipping
  • Stunning Sim Shows How Far Hit Songs Have Traveled in Space
  • Explaining graphic design to four-year-olds
  • I run a university. I’m also an Uber driver.
  • Facebook now used by half of world's online users - BBC News
  • The Counterintuitive Art of Leading by Letting Go
  • TV Legend Norman Lear Tells A Story About How He Beat Writer's Block
  • The 4 Types of Productivity Styles
  • “Modern” homepage design increases pageviews and reader comprehension, study finds
  • Inside the 13 Books on the Man Booker Longlist
  • Why we're drawn to fizzy drinks
  • How brand-new words are spreading across America
  • Why we're drawn to fizzy drinks
  • BBC Micro:bit—a free single-board PC for every Year 7 kid in the UK
  • The White House’s Alpha Geeks — Backchannel
  • Watch: 5 Classical Music Gems from Massive New YouTube Archive
  • Infamously Altered Photos, Before and After Their Edits
  • ◉ Recommended: So You've Been Publicly Shamed -…
  • Welcome to the Quietest Square Inch in the U.S.
  • The Story Behind New York Magazine's Powerful Cosby Cover
  • Edison's Files Reveal the Only Known Voice Recording of Someone Born in the 18th Century - The Atlantic
  • ◉ The Acceptance of Change
  • An Introvert’s Guide to Eating and Drinking Out — Human Parts
  • Amazing Stanley Kubrick Narrates a Promo Reel for Dr. Strangelove: Features Unused Takes
  • History of Icons - a visual brief on icon history by FUTURAMO
  • ◉ Ink - Written by Hand -…
  • The Plan to Beam the Web to 3 Billion Unconnected Humans
  • Filmmakers fighting “Happy Birthday” copyright find their “smoking gun”
  • ◉ Recommended: The Story of Art -…
  • Thirteen new spider species discovered in Australia's north
  • Haruki Murakami: the moment I knew I would be a novelist
  • Study: People read more on sites with modern designs. They also remember more. | Poynter.
  • Andy Warhol’s Celebrity Polaroids Are Like Retro Instagrams⁰
  • The Full-Throttle Campaign to Keep Ballet Kicking
  • Researchers Hack Air-Gapped Computer With Simple Cell Phone
  • Ad Age's 2015 Small Agency Awards: See the Winners
  • ◉ The School of Life: Nigella Lawson on Food and Philosophy
  • This Wooden Computer Chip Could Make Recycling Electronics A Lot Easier
  • Dream Job Of The Week: Culinary Diplomat
  • President Obama will host the first-ever White House Demo Day on August 4th
  • The decline of TV viewing in the USA. This Chart Shows Why Comcast Would Be Interested in Vice Media and BuzzFeed
  • Inside the Secret World of Russia’s Cold War Mapmakers
  • 25 Lost Cities
  • 2-Hour Single-Take Heist Thriller Watch the Trailer for the Single-Take Film that Rocked Darren Aronofsky's World
  • Do Fewer Things, More Often
  • Websites, Please Stop Blocking Password Managers. It’s 2015
  • Behind the Lens: Photographing the President in 50 Countries
  • Tony Fadell: What will Google's $3.2bn guru do next? - BBC News
  • My Life as a Magnolia Bakery Cupcake Bouncer
  • What Do You Do to Feel More Creative?
  • Portuguese scientists discover why pendulum clocks swing together
  • The origin of sci-fi movie sounds
  • You Might Not Know Kenny Ortega, But You Probably Know His Choreography
  • 28 Important Philosophers List the Books That Influenced Them Most During Their College Days
  • The nerd's guide to learning everything online
  • What Music Does to Your Brain While You Work
  • Being Neurotic Makes It Harder for You to Remember Things…
  • Rain is sizzling bacon, cars are lions roaring: the art of sound in movies | Jordan Kisner
  • The Secret Agents Who Protect Obama on the Internet
  • How blood pressure works - Wilfred Manzano
  • Johnnie Walker Introduces High End Whisky Tasting Via Tablet
  • How Walking in Nature Changes the Brain
  • The Art of Video Game Photography
  • The world’s most charismatic mathematician | Siobhan Roberts
  • The origin of sci-fi movie sounds
  • ◉ On digital luxury and digital intimacy, Jony Ive and Marc Newson with Suzy Menkes
  • Extendable Robot Arms and Exoskeletons Could Benefit from Super-Stretchy Wires | MIT Technology...
  • Some of my favorite accounts. NASA’s Social Media Strategy Is Genius—And Kinda Maddening

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit