Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links: June 26, 2015


  • All the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2015 Grand Prix Winners
  • Why Award-Winning Chefs Are Still Looking for Unpaid Internships
  • How to be a better complainer
  • How X-rays see through your skin - Ge Wang
  • A Big Solar Burp Pelted Earth Last Night
  • More than 100 New Marine Species Were Just Discovered in the Philippines
  • ◉ Inside a Camera at 10,000fps
  • How John Bell Designed The Future, And The Hoverboard
  • The Hunt for the Financial Industry's Most-Wanted Hacker
  • What 10 Dieter Rams Products Reveal About The Principles Of Good Design
  • The story of the invention that could revolutionize batteries—and maybe American manufacturing as well
  • ◉ Procrastination -…
  • Amazon's New Plan to Pay Authors Every Time Someone Turns a Page
  • Don’t Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Contribution
  • The Creativity Top 5: The Best Brand Ideas of the Week
  • Nina Simone’s Time Is Now, Again - The New York Times
  • Computers Are Learning How To Treat Illnesses By Playing Poker And Atari
  • ◉ The School of Life: How to Find Fulfilling Work
  • Malcolm Gladwell: One Character Trait That Will Make You Disruptive
  • Slow-motion video of a vinyl record playing
  • A Productivity Expert Wants You to Do Nothing
  • Super Mario Bros was designed on graph paper
  • ◉ A New Theory of Distraction -…
  • Why are we so scared of sharks?
  • For a human, it would be like carrying 600 pounds between our teeth
  • Contemporary classical composer unveils 'eight-hour lullaby' which audience will listen to from beds
  • How 77 Metro Agencies Design the Letter 'M' for Their Transit Logo
  • Creative games for creative designers
  • ◉ Can the Internet be archived?
  • 'If I burn out, I burn out': meet Taylor Wilson, nuclear boy genius
  • If Your Computer Existed In Multiple Universes, It Would Be Way Faster
  • Facebook's New AI Can Paint, But Google's Knows How to Party
  • The town that banned Wi-Fi
  • ◉ Can Reading Make You Happier? -…
  • The Man Behind 'The Most Interesting Man' Is Interesting, Too
  • Walter Cronkite introduces America to the Velvet Underground on national TV, 1965
  • How Your Brain Understands Visual Language
  • The impossible world of MC Escher
  • Photographer Captures Striking Images of Tiny Lightning Storms Sparked by a Tesla Coil
  • From Psycho to Jurassic Park: exploring iconic movie poster typography
  • ◉ Benjamin Millepied: Haut Vol
  • “The Shire” or “Darwin’s Game”? Here are 4 visions of what journalism might look like in 2025 » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • ◉ Recommended: Visual Miscellaneum: A Colorful Guide to the World's Most Consequential Trivia -…
  • Can We Design Trust Between Humans and Artificial Intelligence?
  • Misty Copeland’s Possible Promotion at ABT, If promoted to principal, she will be first black woman to reach top rank
  • America’s first responders, California Task Force Two follows disaster around the world.
  • Data Journalism Awards Winners
  • ◉ Subway Platform Pas De Deux -…
  • The Unexpected Benefits of Anxiety
  • The Shakespeare Algorithm
  • Here's what happened when Google allowed its image recognition software to generate its own images.
  • 6 lessons in social storytelling from 6 months of
  • I once tried to cheat sleep, and for a year I succeeded
  • Can Typography Help Us Empathize With Others?
  • How We Built The World’s Best Design Event
  • Fulton Centre hub in Manhattan named Building of the Year thanks to technique which channels light underground
  • The Father Of "Getting Things Done": You're Getting Me All Wrong
  • Whose Dance is it Anyway? Chamber Dance Project mixes improv and ballet
  • Bees Are Literally Worrying Themselves to Death
  • BBC Radio 2 appoints choreographer as 'artist-in-residence'
  • How Your Siblings Affect Your Success According to Science
  • 25 Great Literary Series to Replace Your TV Habit This Summer
  • To be a teacher and remain a student
  • 18 Sounds You Probably Didn't Realize Were Trademarked
  • The Lesson Of Two Epic Logo Debacles
  • 100GB of NASA space photos turned into epic 4K time-lapse
  • Bruno Munari Will Make You Fall In Love With Books All Over Again
  • A Proportional Visualization of the World's Most Popular Languages
  • 20 Comic Book Series to Read
  • 50 of Film Noir’s Most Fashionable Moments
  • Fascinating Old Census Maps, Updated for a Modern America
  • See Ralph Steadman's Twisted Illustrations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland on the Story's 150th Anniversary
  • Revealed: The Secret Gear Connecting Google's Online Empire
  • Why Mathematicians Are Hoarding This Special Type of Japanese Chalk
  • ◉ A Museum in England Is Hiding a Forgery Among Its Masterpieces
  • Read 18 Lost Stories From Hunter S. Thompson’s Forgotten Stint As a Foreign Correspondent
  • NEW: Saul Bass' opening of Stanley Kramer’s The Pride and The Passion
  • Isaac Asimov's Favorite Story "The Last Question" Read by Isaac Asimov— and by Leonard Nimoy
  • The Art of Making - Flamenco Guitar
  •  The famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle - Alex Gendler
  • Kite Aerial Photography - Intimate and Amazing Shots from Above
  • Insane 4k Calbuco Eruption Footage