The Week's Links: June 26, 2015


  • All the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2015 Grand Prix Winners
  • Why Award-Winning Chefs Are Still Looking for Unpaid Internships
  • How to be a better complainer
  • How X-rays see through your skin - Ge Wang
  • A Big Solar Burp Pelted Earth Last Night
  • More than 100 New Marine Species Were Just Discovered in the Philippines
  • ◉ Inside a Camera at 10,000fps
  • How John Bell Designed The Future, And The Hoverboard
  • The Hunt for the Financial Industry's Most-Wanted Hacker
  • What 10 Dieter Rams Products Reveal About The Principles Of Good Design
  • The story of the invention that could revolutionize batteries—and maybe American manufacturing as well
  • ◉ Procrastination -…
  • Amazon's New Plan to Pay Authors Every Time Someone Turns a Page
  • Don’t Follow Your Passion, Follow Your Contribution
  • The Creativity Top 5: The Best Brand Ideas of the Week
  • Nina Simone’s Time Is Now, Again - The New York Times
  • Computers Are Learning How To Treat Illnesses By Playing Poker And Atari
  • ◉ The School of Life: How to Find Fulfilling Work
  • Malcolm Gladwell: One Character Trait That Will Make You Disruptive
  • Slow-motion video of a vinyl record playing
  • A Productivity Expert Wants You to Do Nothing
  • Super Mario Bros was designed on graph paper
  • ◉ A New Theory of Distraction -…
  • Why are we so scared of sharks?
  • For a human, it would be like carrying 600 pounds between our teeth
  • Contemporary classical composer unveils 'eight-hour lullaby' which audience will listen to from beds
  • How 77 Metro Agencies Design the Letter 'M' for Their Transit Logo
  • Creative games for creative designers
  • ◉ Can the Internet be archived?
  • 'If I burn out, I burn out': meet Taylor Wilson, nuclear boy genius
  • If Your Computer Existed In Multiple Universes, It Would Be Way Faster
  • Facebook's New AI Can Paint, But Google's Knows How to Party
  • The town that banned Wi-Fi
  • ◉ Can Reading Make You Happier? -…
  • The Man Behind 'The Most Interesting Man' Is Interesting, Too
  • Walter Cronkite introduces America to the Velvet Underground on national TV, 1965
  • How Your Brain Understands Visual Language
  • The impossible world of MC Escher
  • Photographer Captures Striking Images of Tiny Lightning Storms Sparked by a Tesla Coil
  • From Psycho to Jurassic Park: exploring iconic movie poster typography
  • ◉ Benjamin Millepied: Haut Vol
  • “The Shire” or “Darwin’s Game”? Here are 4 visions of what journalism might look like in 2025 » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • ◉ Recommended: Visual Miscellaneum: A Colorful Guide to the World's Most Consequential Trivia -…
  • Can We Design Trust Between Humans and Artificial Intelligence?
  • Misty Copeland’s Possible Promotion at ABT, If promoted to principal, she will be first black woman to reach top rank
  • America’s first responders, California Task Force Two follows disaster around the world.
  • Data Journalism Awards Winners
  • ◉ Subway Platform Pas De Deux -…
  • The Unexpected Benefits of Anxiety
  • The Shakespeare Algorithm
  • Here's what happened when Google allowed its image recognition software to generate its own images.
  • 6 lessons in social storytelling from 6 months of
  • I once tried to cheat sleep, and for a year I succeeded
  • Can Typography Help Us Empathize With Others?
  • How We Built The World’s Best Design Event
  • Fulton Centre hub in Manhattan named Building of the Year thanks to technique which channels light underground
  • The Father Of "Getting Things Done": You're Getting Me All Wrong
  • Whose Dance is it Anyway? Chamber Dance Project mixes improv and ballet
  • Bees Are Literally Worrying Themselves to Death
  • BBC Radio 2 appoints choreographer as 'artist-in-residence'
  • How Your Siblings Affect Your Success According to Science
  • 25 Great Literary Series to Replace Your TV Habit This Summer
  • To be a teacher and remain a student
  • 18 Sounds You Probably Didn't Realize Were Trademarked
  • The Lesson Of Two Epic Logo Debacles
  • 100GB of NASA space photos turned into epic 4K time-lapse
  • Bruno Munari Will Make You Fall In Love With Books All Over Again
  • A Proportional Visualization of the World's Most Popular Languages
  • 20 Comic Book Series to Read
  • 50 of Film Noir’s Most Fashionable Moments
  • Fascinating Old Census Maps, Updated for a Modern America
  • See Ralph Steadman's Twisted Illustrations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland on the Story's 150th Anniversary
  • Revealed: The Secret Gear Connecting Google's Online Empire
  • Why Mathematicians Are Hoarding This Special Type of Japanese Chalk
  • ◉ A Museum in England Is Hiding a Forgery Among Its Masterpieces
  • Read 18 Lost Stories From Hunter S. Thompson’s Forgotten Stint As a Foreign Correspondent
  • NEW: Saul Bass' opening of Stanley Kramer’s The Pride and The Passion
  • Isaac Asimov's Favorite Story "The Last Question" Read by Isaac Asimov— and by Leonard Nimoy
  • The Art of Making - Flamenco Guitar
  •  The famously difficult green-eyed logic puzzle - Alex Gendler
  • Kite Aerial Photography - Intimate and Amazing Shots from Above
  • Insane 4k Calbuco Eruption Footage

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit