The Week's Links: August 30, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week: 

  • The Surprising Complexity of Lobster Prices 
  • More Is More: Why the Paradox of Choice Might Be a Myth 
  • Inside an orchestra's audition: Boston Magazine's The Audition 
  • Does digital technology help theatre – or hinder it? 
  • “Prequalifying Clients,” an article by Dan Mall 
  • The Rad New Words Added to the Dictionary in the '90s: Where Are They Now? 
  • Another article with a great layout: This Man Has a Train, an Army of Artists, and an Entire Nation for a Gallery 
  • The Career-Advancing Secrets Of 3 People With Awesome Careers 
  • An Ode To Creative Work, By Behance 
  • Rebranding A NYC Bookstore To Evoke The Golden Age Of Travel 
  • Become More Data-Driven by Breaking These Bad Habits - Thomas C. Redman 
  • Ogilvy Chief Data Officer Role May Be Sign of Things to Come 
  • Infographic: America's Strongest And Weakest Coffee Makers 
  • The Art of the Dollar: Meticulous Currency Collages by Mark Wagner 
  • Great Resource: Butterick’s Practical Typography 
  • Love this: Type Hunting 
  • Brown University creates first wireless, implanted brain-computer interface 
  • A year inside The Australian Ballet: Episode 7 - The mid-year review 
  • Welcome to the “Internet of Things,” where even lights aren’t hacker safe 
  • App, Secret Sites Create The Immersive World Of Novel 'Night Film' 
  • The Computer That Put Men on the Moon 
  • 15 Companies That Originally Sold Something Else 
  • A Curious Inspiration for the First Stethoscope 
  • CoreBrand Names Top Ten Most And Least Respected Brands Of The Year 
  • The danger of comparing ourselves to others — and how to stop 
  • Backstage At The Metropolitan Opera 
  • How to Track the Life of a Story With Twitter Analytics 
  • Uncharted territory: amateur cartographers fight to put their communities on the map 
  • How the Egyptian Pyramids Were Built: A New Theory in 3D Animation 
  • Two Things Experts Do Differently Than Non-Experts When Practicing 
  • The Real Neuroscience of Creativity 
  • Adam Savage's Ten Rules for Success 
  • The Rijksmuseum Puts 125,000 Dutch Masterpieces Online, and Lets You Remix Its Art 
  • Watch Picasso Create Entire Paintings in Magnificent Time-Lapse Film (1956) 
  • Fun: Ballet dancers in random situations 
  • No one ever bought anything on an elevator 
  • Free Philip K. Dick: Download 13 Great Science Fiction Stories 
  • Every Child Is An Artist 
  • The Human Body, An Educational App for Exploring a Working Model of Human Anatomy 
  • Infographic: An Amazing Atlas of the World Wide Web 
  • The Getty Puts 4600 Art Images Into the Public Domain (and There’s More to Come) 
  • Lego Architecture Studio Brings Modernism to the Play Room 
  • Why Mosquitoes Like You and Not Me 
  • Release: Immersive and Interactive Digital Media Programs to Receive Emmys 
  • Why do new plays feel like tv shows? 
  • Alfred Hitchcock’s 50 Ways to Kill a Character (and Our Favorite Hitch Resources on the Web)  
  • WSJ's Wireless Savings Calculator 
  • Type Hunting Offers a Look at Some Great Vintage Typography 
  • TED-Ed: A brief history of video games (Part I) - Safwat Saleem 
  • You Are Bad At Assessing People (But So Is Everybody Else) 
  • Our Social Brains 
  • The 11 Worst Sounds in the World 
  • Beyond Sheer Brainpower 
  • 10 Miniature Books We Covet 
  • Shawn Blanc: How I Self-Published My Book - including the tools he used. 
  • Making connections in the eye: Wiring diagram of retinal neurons is first step toward mapping the human brain. 
  • The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next 
  • IBM's Made A Programming Language Like The One Your Brain Would Use 



Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit