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The Week's Links: May 24, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week:

  • Children and Computers: State of Play 
  • The Library's Future Is Not an Open Book 
  • 40 Years, 25 Lessons: Advice To Graduates 
  • Peeping in on the Process of Turning Caterpillar to Butterfly 
  • 'Wired' Completely Overhauls Print Magazine 
  • Haruki Murakami Translates The Great Gatsby, the Novel That Influenced Him Most 
  • Vintage Photos Show The Construction Of New York's Subway 100 Years Ago 
  • BBC News: Retirement 'harmful to health', study says 
  • Habits Of The Most Creative People 
  • Your Next Horror Movie Franchise Isn't a Movie - It's an App 
  • Ideo Imagines 18 Packaging Concepts For The Future 
  • Why You’re Addicted to TV 
  • Redesign Aims to Be 'Snow Fall' on a Weekly Basis 
  • Advice for Graduates
  • Creativity Top 5: Week of May 20, 2013 
  • The Art Of Logo Design: PBS Off Book 
  • Where In The World Are You? This Excellent Game Makes You Guess 
  • TED-Ed: The brilliance of bioluminescence - Leslie Kenna 
  • Download 14 Great Sci-Fi Stories by Philip K. Dick as Free Audio Books and Free eBooks 
  • Meet the Man Who Sold His Fate to Investors at $1 a Share 
  • 65 Books You Need To Read In Your 20s 
  • Made by Hand: The Bike Maker  
  • 11 Unusually Shaped Coins 
  • 10 Best Users to Follow on Vine 
  • Try, Try Again: Rejection Letters Received by Bestselling Authors 
  • Seeing Beyond The Human Eye: PBS Off Book 
  • Why Rituals Work: There are real benefits to rituals, religious or otherwise 
  • Why Can’t We Take Pictures in Art Museums? 
  • 10 Bookmarklets For Front End Web Development 
  • A Brief History of Songs That Have Gone to Space 
  • The End of Traditional Ad Agencies 
  • Famous Authors’ Handwritten Outlines for Great Works of Literature 
  • Fascinating Photos of the Models Who Inspired Famous Artworks 
  • 50 Designers’ Desks: Part 1 
  • A great look at innovation in Design and Paper 
  • The Audacity To Dream 
  • Understanding the Value of Art Therapy 
  • Welcome to the programmable world. 
  • Picasso, Kepler, and the Benefits of Being an Expert Generalist 
  • How Color-Coded Notes Make You A More Efficient Thinker 
  • Ken Robinson: To encourage creativity, you must first understand what it is 
  • New Android Boss Finally Reveals Plans for World's Most Popular Mobile OS 
  • 10 Hotel Secrets from Behind the Front Desk 
  • The Shakespeared Brain 
  • TED: 7 talks that will encourage you to talk to strangers 
  • Why Single-Tasking Makes You Smarter 
  • How to build an app: 35 great tutorials 
  • The Criterion Collection: Jane Campion’s Top 10 
  • 10 Ways Silicon Valley Culture Can Reinvent Advertising 
  • This Is the Most Detailed Picture of the Internet Ever (and Making it Was Very Illegal)  /via @daringfireball
  • What you don't know about sugar and salt in 39 amazing images. 
  • This Is What Happens When Publishers Invest In Long Stories 
  • The Smithsonian is 3D-scanning its collection for future generations 
  • Which literary novels should daredevil film directors adapt next? 
  • Not I: Lisa Dwan's record speed Beckett performed in 9 minutes. 
  • Alfred Hitchcock’s Rules for Watching Psycho (1960) 
  • Richard Feynman on the Role of Scientific Culture in Modern Society 
  • A Day in the Life of Bacteria in Your Gut 
  • 21st Century Masters Create Their Own Fields 
  • Can There Be Such a Thing as Punk Couture? 
  • The Destructive Influence of Imaginary Peers 
  • Why teenagers really do need an extra hour in bed 
  • Journey Of A Specialty Coffee Bean, From Cherry To Cup 
  • Your Voice Affects Others' Perceptions: Changing the Sound of Your Voice. 
  • Winners of the 2013 Sony World Photography Awards 
  • Masterpiece In A Mug: Japanese Latte Art Will Perk You Up 
  • A Focus on Distraction 

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