The Week's Links: May 24, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week:

  • Children and Computers: State of Play 
  • The Library's Future Is Not an Open Book 
  • 40 Years, 25 Lessons: Advice To Graduates 
  • Peeping in on the Process of Turning Caterpillar to Butterfly 
  • 'Wired' Completely Overhauls Print Magazine 
  • Haruki Murakami Translates The Great Gatsby, the Novel That Influenced Him Most 
  • Vintage Photos Show The Construction Of New York's Subway 100 Years Ago 
  • BBC News: Retirement 'harmful to health', study says 
  • Habits Of The Most Creative People 
  • Your Next Horror Movie Franchise Isn't a Movie - It's an App 
  • Ideo Imagines 18 Packaging Concepts For The Future 
  • Why You’re Addicted to TV 
  • Redesign Aims to Be 'Snow Fall' on a Weekly Basis 
  • Advice for Graduates
  • Creativity Top 5: Week of May 20, 2013 
  • The Art Of Logo Design: PBS Off Book 
  • Where In The World Are You? This Excellent Game Makes You Guess 
  • TED-Ed: The brilliance of bioluminescence - Leslie Kenna 
  • Download 14 Great Sci-Fi Stories by Philip K. Dick as Free Audio Books and Free eBooks 
  • Meet the Man Who Sold His Fate to Investors at $1 a Share 
  • 65 Books You Need To Read In Your 20s 
  • Made by Hand: The Bike Maker  
  • 11 Unusually Shaped Coins 
  • 10 Best Users to Follow on Vine 
  • Try, Try Again: Rejection Letters Received by Bestselling Authors 
  • Seeing Beyond The Human Eye: PBS Off Book 
  • Why Rituals Work: There are real benefits to rituals, religious or otherwise 
  • Why Can’t We Take Pictures in Art Museums? 
  • 10 Bookmarklets For Front End Web Development 
  • A Brief History of Songs That Have Gone to Space 
  • The End of Traditional Ad Agencies 
  • Famous Authors’ Handwritten Outlines for Great Works of Literature 
  • Fascinating Photos of the Models Who Inspired Famous Artworks 
  • 50 Designers’ Desks: Part 1 
  • A great look at innovation in Design and Paper 
  • The Audacity To Dream 
  • Understanding the Value of Art Therapy 
  • Welcome to the programmable world. 
  • Picasso, Kepler, and the Benefits of Being an Expert Generalist 
  • How Color-Coded Notes Make You A More Efficient Thinker 
  • Ken Robinson: To encourage creativity, you must first understand what it is 
  • New Android Boss Finally Reveals Plans for World's Most Popular Mobile OS 
  • 10 Hotel Secrets from Behind the Front Desk 
  • The Shakespeared Brain 
  • TED: 7 talks that will encourage you to talk to strangers 
  • Why Single-Tasking Makes You Smarter 
  • How to build an app: 35 great tutorials 
  • The Criterion Collection: Jane Campion’s Top 10 
  • 10 Ways Silicon Valley Culture Can Reinvent Advertising 
  • This Is the Most Detailed Picture of the Internet Ever (and Making it Was Very Illegal)  /via @daringfireball
  • What you don't know about sugar and salt in 39 amazing images. 
  • This Is What Happens When Publishers Invest In Long Stories 
  • The Smithsonian is 3D-scanning its collection for future generations 
  • Which literary novels should daredevil film directors adapt next? 
  • Not I: Lisa Dwan's record speed Beckett performed in 9 minutes. 
  • Alfred Hitchcock’s Rules for Watching Psycho (1960) 
  • Richard Feynman on the Role of Scientific Culture in Modern Society 
  • A Day in the Life of Bacteria in Your Gut 
  • 21st Century Masters Create Their Own Fields 
  • Can There Be Such a Thing as Punk Couture? 
  • The Destructive Influence of Imaginary Peers 
  • Why teenagers really do need an extra hour in bed 
  • Journey Of A Specialty Coffee Bean, From Cherry To Cup 
  • Your Voice Affects Others' Perceptions: Changing the Sound of Your Voice. 
  • Winners of the 2013 Sony World Photography Awards 
  • Masterpiece In A Mug: Japanese Latte Art Will Perk You Up 
  • A Focus on Distraction 

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Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit