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Better By Design: Keith Yamashita On CEOs and Designers

Uploaded by NZTEvideo on 2012-04-18.

Previously I shared Keith Yamashita's take on greatness and creativity. In this new presentation, part of Better By Design, Yamashita talks about working for Steve Jobs (he wanted a culture that didn't tolerate defects,) consulting to Mark Zuckerberg (who told Yamashita "why should I use someone else's best practices to grow my company") and what great CEOs, leaders and designers have in common.

Keith Yamashita talks about working for Steve Jobs, consulting to Mark Zuckerberg and Meg Whitman, and what great CEOs, leaders and designers have in common. Keith Yamashita is the Chairman of SYPartners and Co-founder, Unstuck. He presented at the Better by Design CEO Summit earlier this year.