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The Week's Links: September 23, 2012

All the items posted to Facebook and Twitter this week:

  • Teams: What I Learned This
  • Alain de Botton: Imagining Advertisements for Things We Really Need
  • 50 Years of the Jetsons: Why The Show Still Matters
  • What "Sleep No More" and the Stanford Prison Experiment tell us about who we really
  • Finding the Moments
  • A Literary Insult For Every
  • Mark Stewart the musician and instrument designer will build a glass orchestra with MIT students.
  • Star Trek comes true: using ultrasound waves to get drugs under your skin - MIT
  • Study: One Facebook Banner Ad Caused 60,000 More People To Vote in the 2010 Elections
  • The DailyArt app delivers one masterpiece every day.
  • Amazing animation from NASA showing our view of the Moon over the entire year of
  • Want Kids to Be More Altruistic? Give Them Arts Education
  • The 20 Most Significant Inventions in the History of Food and Drink
  • Wayne Clough, Shaking Up the
  • Michael Boyd: the modest man who saved the Royal Shakespeare Company
  • World's first colour film footage viewed for first time
  • The Perfectly Fried Egg by José André
  • The Sites We Love Right Now: 50 Best Websites 2012 -
  • Data Is Useless Without the Skills to Analyze It - Jeanne Harris
  • Writing Lab: Kurt Vonnegut's eight essentials for a good short story.
  • How Advertisers Convinced Americans They Smelled Bad
  • Why Can Some People Recall Every Day Of Their Lives? Brain Scans Offer
  • The Secret Law of Page Harmony
  • How To Make Dill Deviled Eggs - An Animated Recipe
  • The Cult of Disappearing Design
  • Cool: Google Chrome Blog: Moving, singing and dreaming with a Chrome experiment from Cirque du Soleil
  • Simon Schama: Why I write
  • Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript - video style tutorials: TheCodePlayer
  • Guidelines For Designing With
  • Are You A Bit Of A Loser? Don't Worry, You're Probably Really Creative
  • Infographic: 50 People Shaping The Future Of Design
  • William Gibson on Punk Rock, Internet Memes, and 'Gangnam Style'
  • William Gibson on Twitter, Antique Watches and Internet Obsessions
  • Simon Sinek: If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business
  • A Handsome Atlas: Wildly Awesome Data Visualizations from the Nineteenth /via @curiousoctopus
  • Quiet at the back: classrooms around the world – in pictures
  • Can We Still Be Shocked By Art? How? The Critics Debate
  • The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World
  • Creativity Researcher Teresa Amabile Explains The Unexpected Benefits Of Tracking Daily Progress
  • Creativity and IQ, Part I: What Is Divergent Thinking? How Is It Helped by Sleep, Humor and Alcohol?
  • University Presses on Pinterest
  • Chrome Experiment #500 - All manner of cool browser magic.
  • The Medium is the Massage: Marshall McLuhan and his legacy
  • The 20 Most Significant Inventions in the History of Food and Drink
  • Brand New takes an in-depth look at the USA Today redesign.
  • Google Launches Open Course
  • Made by Hand: The Cigar
  • William Gibson on Why Sci-Fi Writers Are (Thankfully) Almost Always
  • Blue Note jazz label releases immersive Spotify app
  • Great Campaign: Colorado Ballet Lifts You Out of Everyday
  • Computer Learns to Recognize Badly Drawn Animals
  • A cultural revolution: The future of brand planning
  • Neal Stephenson on Predictions and Surprises
  • Creativity Top 5: September 18,
  • A Guide To iOS SDK For Web
  • Frank Chimero on The Shape of Design at Interlink Conference 2011
  • Promo meets graphic novel meets parallax website, for Peugeot.
  • 2012 Innovation By Design Awards: Consumer Products
  • The Secret Law of Page
  • What does it mean to be sophisticated? Linda Holmes (@nprmonkeysee) on connecting with open-minded assertiveness.
  • 2012 Innovation By Design Awards: Interactive Design
  • See The Emmys Pick For Best
  • 2012 Emmy Nominations for Main Title Design. Great Expectations won the
  • Choreographer Wayne McGregor: Dance, Physical Thinking & Misbehaving
  • The Adweek 50. These are the people who make the machinery of media, marketing and technology hum
  • The digital doesn't annihilate the analog, and the business card creativity proves
  • Listen to J.R.R. Tolkien Read Poems from The Fellowship of the Ring, in Elvish and English (1952)
  • The Miracle Of The Levitating
  • Ha! Google Launches Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Search Tool
  • Rooked: The evolution of cheating in /via @kottke
  • Sydney Opera House: The Ship Song Project - Moving Campaign for the Cultural
  • The First Ever International Space Orchestra Broadcasts Music To Space
  • Jack Dorsey's Keynote at Disrupt
  • A Brief History of “American Cheese,” from Colonial Cheddar to Kraft
  • Kyouei Design Constructs Exceptionally Abstract Music Devices
  • Love this collection of "Big Eyes" by 5 things I learned today
  • With the help of the Egyptians, Sumerians & Phonecians, Jason Novak illustrates where letters came from.
  • 2012 Brand New Conference, Quotes & Tweets
  • How to Avoid the Natural Reactions that Prevent Good Decision Making
  • 10 Auteurs and the Typefaces They
  • A List Apart: Findings from the Survey For People Who Make Websites
  • Great essay: The Relativity of Wrong by Isaac Asimov
  • James Victore on Day Jobs, Creative Burnout, “Serious Play,” and His Upcoming
  • Recommended This Week:

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