The Week's Links: September 23, 2012

All the items posted to Facebook and Twitter this week:

  • Teams: What I Learned This
  • Alain de Botton: Imagining Advertisements for Things We Really Need
  • 50 Years of the Jetsons: Why The Show Still Matters
  • What "Sleep No More" and the Stanford Prison Experiment tell us about who we really
  • Finding the Moments
  • A Literary Insult For Every
  • Mark Stewart the musician and instrument designer will build a glass orchestra with MIT students.
  • Star Trek comes true: using ultrasound waves to get drugs under your skin - MIT
  • Study: One Facebook Banner Ad Caused 60,000 More People To Vote in the 2010 Elections
  • The DailyArt app delivers one masterpiece every day.
  • Amazing animation from NASA showing our view of the Moon over the entire year of
  • Want Kids to Be More Altruistic? Give Them Arts Education
  • The 20 Most Significant Inventions in the History of Food and Drink
  • Wayne Clough, Shaking Up the
  • Michael Boyd: the modest man who saved the Royal Shakespeare Company
  • World's first colour film footage viewed for first time
  • The Perfectly Fried Egg by José André
  • The Sites We Love Right Now: 50 Best Websites 2012 -
  • Data Is Useless Without the Skills to Analyze It - Jeanne Harris
  • Writing Lab: Kurt Vonnegut's eight essentials for a good short story.
  • How Advertisers Convinced Americans They Smelled Bad
  • Why Can Some People Recall Every Day Of Their Lives? Brain Scans Offer
  • The Secret Law of Page Harmony
  • How To Make Dill Deviled Eggs - An Animated Recipe
  • The Cult of Disappearing Design
  • Cool: Google Chrome Blog: Moving, singing and dreaming with a Chrome experiment from Cirque du Soleil
  • Simon Schama: Why I write
  • Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript - video style tutorials: TheCodePlayer
  • Guidelines For Designing With
  • Are You A Bit Of A Loser? Don't Worry, You're Probably Really Creative
  • Infographic: 50 People Shaping The Future Of Design
  • William Gibson on Punk Rock, Internet Memes, and 'Gangnam Style'
  • William Gibson on Twitter, Antique Watches and Internet Obsessions
  • Simon Sinek: If You Don't Understand People, You Don't Understand Business
  • A Handsome Atlas: Wildly Awesome Data Visualizations from the Nineteenth /via @curiousoctopus
  • Quiet at the back: classrooms around the world – in pictures
  • Can We Still Be Shocked By Art? How? The Critics Debate
  • The New MakerBot Replicator Might Just Change Your World
  • Creativity Researcher Teresa Amabile Explains The Unexpected Benefits Of Tracking Daily Progress
  • Creativity and IQ, Part I: What Is Divergent Thinking? How Is It Helped by Sleep, Humor and Alcohol?
  • University Presses on Pinterest
  • Chrome Experiment #500 - All manner of cool browser magic.
  • The Medium is the Massage: Marshall McLuhan and his legacy
  • The 20 Most Significant Inventions in the History of Food and Drink
  • Brand New takes an in-depth look at the USA Today redesign.
  • Google Launches Open Course
  • Made by Hand: The Cigar
  • William Gibson on Why Sci-Fi Writers Are (Thankfully) Almost Always
  • Blue Note jazz label releases immersive Spotify app
  • Great Campaign: Colorado Ballet Lifts You Out of Everyday
  • Computer Learns to Recognize Badly Drawn Animals
  • A cultural revolution: The future of brand planning
  • Neal Stephenson on Predictions and Surprises
  • Creativity Top 5: September 18,
  • A Guide To iOS SDK For Web
  • Frank Chimero on The Shape of Design at Interlink Conference 2011
  • Promo meets graphic novel meets parallax website, for Peugeot.
  • 2012 Innovation By Design Awards: Consumer Products
  • The Secret Law of Page
  • What does it mean to be sophisticated? Linda Holmes (@nprmonkeysee) on connecting with open-minded assertiveness.
  • 2012 Innovation By Design Awards: Interactive Design
  • See The Emmys Pick For Best
  • 2012 Emmy Nominations for Main Title Design. Great Expectations won the
  • Choreographer Wayne McGregor: Dance, Physical Thinking & Misbehaving
  • The Adweek 50. These are the people who make the machinery of media, marketing and technology hum
  • The digital doesn't annihilate the analog, and the business card creativity proves
  • Listen to J.R.R. Tolkien Read Poems from The Fellowship of the Ring, in Elvish and English (1952)
  • The Miracle Of The Levitating
  • Ha! Google Launches Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Search Tool
  • Rooked: The evolution of cheating in /via @kottke
  • Sydney Opera House: The Ship Song Project - Moving Campaign for the Cultural
  • The First Ever International Space Orchestra Broadcasts Music To Space
  • Jack Dorsey's Keynote at Disrupt
  • A Brief History of “American Cheese,” from Colonial Cheddar to Kraft
  • Kyouei Design Constructs Exceptionally Abstract Music Devices
  • Love this collection of "Big Eyes" by 5 things I learned today
  • With the help of the Egyptians, Sumerians & Phonecians, Jason Novak illustrates where letters came from.
  • 2012 Brand New Conference, Quotes & Tweets
  • How to Avoid the Natural Reactions that Prevent Good Decision Making
  • 10 Auteurs and the Typefaces They
  • A List Apart: Findings from the Survey For People Who Make Websites
  • Great essay: The Relativity of Wrong by Isaac Asimov
  • James Victore on Day Jobs, Creative Burnout, “Serious Play,” and His Upcoming
  • Recommended This Week:


    Antonio Ortiz

    Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit