The Week's Links: 9/16/12

All the items posted to Facebook and Twitter this week:

  • James Victore on Day Jobs, Creative Burnout, “Serious Play,” and His Upcoming
  • Study: Young people consider news to be garbage and lies
  • A Big List of 375 Free eBooks for Your iPad, Kindle, Nook and Other Devices
  • This is your brain on Jane Austen, and researchers at Stanford are taking
  • Working From Home Makes You More Productive. Your office is slowing you
  • 10 Must Know Tips for Creating Winning Visual Brand Identities
  • Michael Lewis had unprecedented access for 6 months and wrote a great profile of what it's like to be President.
  • Is This Book Bad, or Is It Just Me? The Anatomy of Book Reviews
  • Future of Music: The Audience Is the Instrument
  • Gorgeous: Shooting Photos of Ballet Dancers on the Streets of Bratislava
  • How To Run Your Meetings Like Apple and Google
  • 10 Awesome Bookstores Repurposed from Unused Structures
  • The Real Names of 18 Authors Known by Initials
  • The Economist Q&A: Tim Berners-Lee "This is for everyone"
  • How Green Tea Boosts Brain Cells and Aids Memory
  • Creative Review looks at the USA Today redesign
  • Celebrating the List, handwritten by Johnny Cash, Michael Jackson, Picasso, Marilyn Monroe, and others
  • Effective Type-use for Advertising, 1922 Edition
  • Can the Arts Survive Without Banks?
  • How One Man Is Using Fungus to Change the Violin Industry
  • A History of the Title Sequence
  • If you are not familiar with the 99% Invisible podcast here is a starter "staff favorites" page for you.
  • The Creative Way To Maximize Design Ideas With Type
  • The Stories Behind 11 Famous
  • What happens when old school games go face to face with new school characters?
  • How The Best Restaurant In The World Stays That Way
  • Behind The Signature Sounds of “Breaking Bad”
  • Can MTV's Fantasy Election '12 Rock The Biggest Youth Vote In History?
  • Beautiful: Comic book cutouts made to look like stained glass windows.
  • Wanted: The Phaidon Archive of Graphic Design
  • Volcano Shoots Geyser Of Water Up Into Space
  • The London Design Festival starts
  • How rude should a critic be?
  • The Accidental History of the @
  • The Resale Right - Short animation explaining visual arts rights management
  • Here Are All 56 Finalists In The 2012 Innovation By Design Awards
  • Your Instagram Horoscope. Kinda
  • Now that you are all about the iPhone5: Samsung trial reveals how Apple really invented the iPhone.
  • A year inside The Australian Ballet: Episode 6 - Dressing the ballet
  • Capturing The Stunning Cinematography In Samsara: Q&A With The Film's Director And Producer
  • The British Museum & BBC using objects to create A History of the World NYC in 50 objects
  • Ethan Zuckerman proposes 'long flight' facilities to help get things done
  • New Type York - uncovering the typographic artifacts of NYC
  • How to (Gracefully) Manage Your
  • Of course: Ideo Recruits Elmo For App That Helps Potty Train Kids
  • Negative Images Boost Unrelated
  • Love this promo site: Philips The Sound of Creation
  • Can We Learn To Forget Our Memories?
  • Keep working, keep learning, any form of standing still is deadly
  • So great. Gil Shuler Graphic Design: Charleston Ballet Theatre
  • Supercut Film School: Q&A With Elusive, Anonymous Video Essayist
  • 49 Hovering Quadrotors Make This The Biggest Flying Robot Performance Yet.
  • The art of writing a good
  • Brand New: Best Use of Iceberg in a Logo Award
  • Korean artist Lee Kyu Hak recreates Van Gogh’s works with Styrofoam-based mixed-media mosaics. Shockingly good.
  • How To (And How Not To) Write Narratives About People
  • Amazing 3D Posters for the Band Dry The River
  • New research suggests engaging in simple tasks that allow the mind to wander facilitates creative thinking.
  • Stanford announces 16 free online courses for fall quarter
  • Brain Science: 10 New Studies That Get Inside Your Head
  • What is the Future of College Education?
  • From the Page to the Plate: Bringing Literary Dishes to Life
  • The History of the Lunch Box
  • Tributes to Bill Moggridge, Cooper-Hewitt Director -
  • Creativity Top 5: September 10,
  • In Remembrance Of Bill Moggridge, 1943-2012
  • Crowdfunding a Museum for Alexander Graham Bell in 1922
  • Rebranding Amsterdam and What It Means to Rebrand a City
  • 33 Stats That Paint a Picture of the Future of Marketing
  • René Magritte's Little-Known Art Deco Sheet Music Covers from the 1920s
  • To sleep, perchance to learn: study shows learning while napping is
  • Pixar's Scott Clark, Michael B. Johnson, and Ricky Nierva on Making UP
  • Creative Review - Great new ads from around the globe
  • 'Essential' film copyright protection turns
  • This is great. Jesse Lonergan draws a Dancer a Day
  • What Is Design? In honor of Bill Moggridge, 1943-2012
  • Tuning a piano also tunes the
  • Ancient Human Kin’s DNA Code Illuminates Rise of Brains
  • What Color is this? in 9 languages. I could play with this all day.
  • Everything you’ve ever wondered about genes vs. DNA vs. chromosomes,
  • The best interface is no interface
  • Wolfram Alpha's Facebook Report Analyzes Every Dark Corner of Your Facebook
  • Glass shape influences how quickly we drink alcohol
  • RIP Bill Moggridge, 1943-2012
  • I'm baffled by how the app Dark Sky accurately predicts rain to the minute. Here's how it works.
  • Endangered Languages Project- share samples of and research on endangered languages

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Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit