The Week's Links (2.5.12)

All the links posted to TwitterFacebook and Google+ this week: 

  • Lost In Translation (What I Learned This Week)
  • An Introvert's Guide to Networking
  • Researchers have demonstrated a method to reconstruct words, based on the brain waves of patients thinking those words.
  • The Pirate Bay loads up on physical goods for you to download and 3d print at
  • 'A Clockwork Orange' Strikes 40
  • What happened to the former slave that wrote his old master? Follow up to yesterday's post.
  • Hans Rosling: The Jedi Master of data visualization
  • How can we make scientists and engineers as popular as sports heroes?
  • Escaping The Cult Of The Average & The Happy Secret To Better Work
  • 25 Things I Learned From Opening a
  • New developer tools in Firefox 10 and
  • Flash Hits Food: The Road To Instagram. Kevin Rose Interviews Kevin Systrom
  • 12 Tech Trends That Will Define 2012, Selected By Frog’s Design Minds
  • Military Succeeds in Creating Self-Guided Bullet. It Spots, Steers and Nails Its Target A Mile Away Fascinating & scary
  • To My Old Master: Slave owner writes to former slave demanding he come back. Slave replied with brilliant letter.
  • How to Approach a Responsive Design. Lessons learned from the Boston.comupdate.
  • Why are development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3? PMs pass along to your teams. /via @marcoarment
  • The Flaming Lips: Now I Understand ft. Siri & Erykah Badu Yes, that Siri.
  • The 1912 American Type Founders Specimen Book is now online.Type lovers
  • Picasso, Tate, 1960: the world's first 'art blockbuster'
  • TED2013: The Young. The Wise. The Undiscovered. 14 Cities. 6 Continents. Public Auditions.
  • The Future of Advertising 2012: Hear It From The Ad Students - Forbes
  • Game of Thrones Transmedia Case
  • Coca Cola's ambitious Super Bowl plan, the polar bears everywhere
  • Creativity Top 5: January 31,
  • The Truth: Creativity Comes From Blending Dissonant Goals Into Radical
  • Redesigning "Teachers"
  • How Helvetica Conquered The World With Its Cool, Comforting Logic
  • Making Big Decisions and Mastering the Consequences
  • Jonathan Franzen vs ebooks. Is he being naive?
  • The Future Of Screen Typography Is In Your Hands
  • How This 17-Year-Old's Breakup Inspired His Startup
  • In a world of gadgets when is digital type art? The Type Directors Club Judges Night
  • Here's The Thing: Lorne Michaels Fantastic interview by Alec Baldwin.
  • How the Mind Creates Ideas correlation between creative consciousness and quantum physics.
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald list of things to worry about for his 11 year old daughter.
  • A Copyright Quickie: Canada Is About To Pass Sopa’s Evil Little Brother. Politely.
  • What's Wrong With the Teenage Mind?
  • Working overtime doesn't increase your output. It make you stupid.
  • How To Set Smart Daily Goals

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit