The Week's Links (11.06.11)

All the links posted to Facebook and Twitter (@) this week: 

  • Covering Two Decades of Innovation. 20 years of Mossberg tech
  • Your Brain on Facebook : Bigger Social Networks Expand the Size of Neural Networks
  • Why Fingernails on Blackboards Sound So Horrible
  • Steven Johnson Unveils A Twitter-like Network For Sharing Long
  • 50 of the World’s Best Breakfasts, or how the world starts the
  • The Harvard Classics: A Free, Digital Collection
  • Introducing Boxie The Robot
  • Reading the brain: Mind-goggling
  • The Science Of Irrationality
  • Webcams can now spot which ads catch your gaze, read your mood and check your vital signs
  • Official Google Blog: Giving you fresher, more recent search Google updates their algorithm.
  • How to Survive the Switch from Google Reader to Google+
  • Internet Trends 2011 by Mary Meeker
  • First there was Kern Type, the kerning game And now, Shape Type.
  • Useful Coding Tools and JavaScript Libraries For Web
  • "Life in a Day" film now available on YouTube
  • Popcorn.js Lets Web Filmmakers Fuse Video With Interactive
  • Google is quietly experimenting in new ways for readers to access publishers’ content
  • The Role Of Design In The Kingdom Of Content
  • Design Envy, a curated blog of design excellence by AIGA
  • Friends of Type
  • Incredible Monty Python-Inspired Phonotrope Animation
  • PBS Arts: Off Book - Episode 8: Video Games
  • Check out the wonderful Museum of Obsolete Objects /via @veryshortlist
  • Creativity Top 5: November 1, 2011
  • Why Leaders Should Take A Break From Talking
  • The Silliness of Busyness
  • “Why’s this so good?” No. 18: Brady Dennis goes short
  • 7 Things Michael Bierut Loves About Design
  • The Creativity Awards Report 2011 Roundup - Creativity Online
  • Education Isn't Magic
  • Is This the Future of Punctuation!? On the misuse of apostrophe's (did your eye just twitch?)
  • Litfy - All the free e-books you can muster This is fantastic.
  • The Tablet Revolution | Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) how people use tablets
  • Remodel Your Meetings To Create Internal Entrepreneurs
  • Best statistics question ever
  • How Symphonies Grew Strong Audiences By Killing The Myth Of The Average Consumer

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit