Khoi Vinh: It All Started With Comic Books

Web and interactive designer Khoi Vinh speaks about his process and using the grid. Shot on three cameras at our studio in Brooklyn, the result is an illuminating conversation about Khoi’s plans for the future, first interest in the field of design, and even the grid's complex relationship with emotion. produced by |

Web and interactive designer Khoi Vinh speaks about his process and using the grid.

Produced by The Color Machine in Brooklyn, the result is an illuminating conversation about Khoi’s plans for the future, first interest in the field of design, and even the grid's complex relationship with emotion.

His book, Ordering Disorder: Grid Principles for Web Design is a must-read for web designers. It covers the big ideas and the nitty gritty details of implementation.

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit