The Week's Links (10.30.11)

All the links posted to Facebook and Twitter (@) this week: 

  • CultureLab: What it means to donate your brain
  • Check out a rebroadcast of MoMA's Talk To Me symposium
  • Trick or Trick
  • The 21st Century Brain: A New Series at Big Think
  • All Hallow's Read: A (new) old tradition by Neil Gaiman
  • HOME: A Ghost Story A fantastic transmedia adventure just in time for Halloween.
  • IQ Isn't Set In Stone, Suggests Study That Finds Big Jumps, Dips In
  • Data Without Borders: Using data in the service of humanity
  • A Brief History of Web Standards : Vitamin T
  • Setting the Scene for a Productive Day
  • A Brief History of Web Standards : Vitamin T
  • The Hunt For The New
  • Brave New Thermostat: How the iPod’s Creator Is Making Home Heating Sexy
  • Chris Poole: Our identity is like a diamond, multi-faceted
  • Steven Levy on Facebook, Spotify and the Future of Music |
  • How teenagers keep reinventing language
  • The Pixar Blog: Pixar Celebrates the Art of the Colorscript this book now.
  • “Why’s this so good?” No. 17: Meyer Berger delivers on
  • Color Advice and Insights from the Experts - Sensational Color
  • Five choreographers nominate their favourite living artist in their
  • The Volkswagen Beetle. Juiced Up with Augmented Reality
  • The Insatiable Appetite for 'Sleep No More' My favorite performance of the year, decade.
  • Great print ads for classic apps using clever QR codes.
  • How Great Companies Think Differently - Harvard Business
  • Publishing: The Worst Business in the World by Ben Tarnoff perspective.
  • PBS Arts: Off Book - Episode 7: Etsy Art & Culture
  • Joss Whedon's film version of Shakespeare's Much Ado About How on earth did no one know he filmed this...
  • What Good Design Can Teach Us About Motivation
  • Brand Genius: Steve Jobs Tribute | Adweek's Tim Nudd looks at Jobs influence in advertising.
  • Playing with reality, the middle-aged future and sadomasochism at Playful 2011
  • The Museum of Mathematics Opening in NYC 2012
  • John McCarthy (1927-2011), Computer Scientist Who Coined The Term Artificial Intelligence & Inventor of Lisp
  • Creativity Top 5: October 24, 2011
  • You Are Not Your Name and Photo: A Call to Re-Imagine Identity by 4chan Founder
  • Have we, like, lost our conviction? You know?
  • DESIGNerd, A Trivia Game That Pits You Against Stefan Sagmeister And Steve Heller
  • Medieval Marketing, Grant McCracken on secrets hidden on plain sight and playful marketing.
  • Innovation 101: Stanford's Teaches Students to Be
  • A Master Plan for Taking Back Control of Your Life

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit