The Week's Links (10.16.11)

All the links posted to Facebook and Twitter (@) this week: 

  • Cindy Gallop: GW@MIT Empowerment Conference Keynote
  • The Playwright’s Reward - Can playwrights make a living just writing?
  • How Geniuses Think
  • The Creative Brain On Exercise
  • Barry Michels, Therapist for Blocked Screenwriters : The New
  • Kerning.js Kern, style, transform, and scale your web type with real CSS rules, automatically.
  • Great interactive iPad books
  • Shit That Siri Says That was fast. Siri is one funny AI.
  • Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011: Computer scientist, Unix co-creator, C programming language designer
  • 10 Inspiring accounts to follow on Instagram
  • The Inside Story: 5 Secrets To Pixar’s Success
  • Live And Work With A Bias Toward Action
  • Action Choreographer Elizabeth Streb: On Taking Big Risks & The Power of Action Great video.
  • Kern Type, the kerning game Fantastic, and it’s multitouch capable.
  • The Psychologist’s View of UX Design
  • TED Talks videos, played randomly. It’s TEDchannelTV
  • The Seven Habits of Highly Obsessive People
  • How Twitter And Facebook Helped Bing Thom Design A Public
  • Everything is a Remix: The Matrix
  • Museo Nacional del Prado: Rubens 360º (video online interactivo) Visit the museum from your browser.
  • Hearing Bilingual - How Babies Tell Languages Apart -
  • The World’s Best Subway Maps
  • Brave Thinkers 2011 - The Atlantic’s guide to people taking risks in pursuit of big ideas.
  • The Prop Master: Ross Macdonald, Forger for Screens Big and
  • Einstein’s Secret to Amazing Problem Solving (and 10 Specific Ways You Can Use It)
  • Copy, Transform, Combine
  • 25 Insights on Becoming a Better Writer
  • An experiment in opening up the Guardian’s news coverage to complete news-making transparency.
  • What Motivates Us To Do Great Work?
  • Australian Wine Uses Infographics as Its Bottle Labels
  • Creativity Top 5: October 10, 2011 Special Edition
  • Reigniting Your Creative Spark
  • Paulo Coelho on Six Secrets to Mastering Facebook and
  • We’re all marketers now
  • All Consuming Passion
  • Kerning + tracking letterforms for logos; the definitive thesis (or why I obsess over typography)
  • The Beauty Of Typography: Writing Systems And Calligraphy Of The
  • The Steve Jobs MBA in 14 Lessons

Antonio Ortiz

Antonio Ortiz has always been an autodidact with an eclectic array of interests. Fascinated with technology, advertising and culture he has forged a career that combines them all. In 1991 Antonio developed one of the very first websites to market the arts. It was text based, only available to computer scientists, and increased attendance to the Rutgers Arts Center where he had truly begun his professional career. Since then Antonio has been an early adopter and innovator merging technology and marketing with his passion for art, culture and entertainment. For a more in-depth look at those passions, visit