Before there was Photoshop
/ celebrates 25 years of Photoshop showing us how Konrad Eek works up a print using only darkroom techniques. Fascinating, so much is done by feel.
Exploring the ways in which artists, artisans and technicians are intelligently expressing their creativity with a passion for culture, technology, marketing and advertising. celebrates 25 years of Photoshop showing us how Konrad Eek works up a print using only darkroom techniques. Fascinating, so much is done by feel.
A fantastic supercut by Jacob T. Swinney. Structurally speaking a good story begins at the end and ends at the beginning, keeping a cycle going:
What can we learn by examining only the first and final shot of a film? This video plays the opening and closing shots of 55 films side-by-side. Some of the opening shots are strikingly similar to the final shots, while others are vastly different--both serving a purpose in communicating various themes. Some show progress, some show decline, and some are simply impactful images used to begin and end a film.
Mesmerizing excerpt from an 9 hour, slow tv program for French TV.
In honor of the 25th anniversary of Adobe Photoshop, CreativeLive asked 8 Photoshop experts to try their hand at Photoshop 1.0.
Old/New is the story of Drew McHugh, a man whose penchant for the new -- new devices, new fashion, new friends -- is challenged when he discovers the rustic appeal of old-fashioned things. He quickly becomes obsessed with the reclaimed and well-worn - plummeting face-first down the rabbit hole of novelty and nostalgia.
A fantastic short film that serves as a promo reel for Red Giant.
Red Giant, Seth Worley and Aharon Rabinowitz take you behind the scenes of Old/New below:
A collection of links, ideas and posts by Antonio Ortiz.
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