How an Archive of the Internet Could Change History
Jenna Wortham in The New York Times:
The internet is pushing us — in good ways and in bad — to realize that the official version of events shouldn’t always be trusted or accepted without question. And historians are constantly updating the record by looking for primary sources that were overlooked in earlier eras, often from marginalized figures. These days, such omissions will still happen, but we can catch them faster. Oversights that would have taken decades to correct are now resolved in weeks, even hours. We now get a kaleidoscopic view of events as they unfold, often in real time, on our screens and devices. History is not neutral or synonymous with truth, but the internet affords us a newfound vantage on the totality of passing time — the profound implications of which we are just now beginning to grasp.
There's a joke I often quote, I'm not sure where I heard it first, history is not written by the winners, history is written by the writers. The internet allows us all to contribute to the writing of history.