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The Week's Links: June 19, 2015


  • ‘Endless Gravity’, A Short Film Comprised of Beautiful 14-bit RAW Video of Underwater Life
  • Photos: In Havana, beauty and decay coexist
  • ◉ How Headlines Change The Way We Think
  • Writers’ Photos of Where They Get Inspired
  • Reporting from Cuba, a place frozen in time yet full of potential
  • Late last month, Wyatt Mitchell left The New Yorker for Apple. The question is, why?
  • James Joyce Reads From Ulysses and Finnegans Wake In His Only Two Recordings (1924/1929)
  • Here Are the 12 Best Facebook Marketing Campaigns From the Past Year
  • Why humans run the world
  • How Your Brain Understands Visual Language
  • Blade Runner Recut with the Sci-Fi Masterpiece's Unused Original Footage
  • The Power of the Long Walk
  • ◉ Alain de Botton "The News: A User's Manual"
  • A Philosopher Takes On Marketing: 4 Lessons For Brands From Alain De Botton
  • "Code Like a Girl" follows young women in tech at WWDC 2015
  • MoMA Acquires the Rainbow Flag
  • Different Personalities Experience Time Differently
  • How Email Became The Most Reviled Communication Experience Ever
  • How did air travel go from extravagant to abominable?
  • The Instagram of News Is Here, And It's Way Smarter Than You Think
  • How Email Became The Most Reviled Communication Experience Ever
  • Blue Computer Light Alone May Not Be Messing With Your Sleep
  • Richard Weller: Could the sun be good for your heart?
  • ◉ The Meaning of "Culture"
  • Meet the Little Geniuses of a Giant Science Fair
  • A Window into New Physics
  • Double tornadoes, double rainbows, double hailstones
  • We’re one step closer to finding new Earth-like planets
  • When to Quit a Project (or Career)
  • Henry Lin: What we can learn from galaxies far, far away
  • ‘Willy Wonka,’ ‘Battlefield Earth’ and the secret history of movie funding
  • 6 things you need to know about virtual reality (from the guy who’s doing it right)
  • An Inside Look at Facebook’s Approach to Automation and Human Work
  • This Robot Can 3-D Print A Steel Bridge In Mid-Air
  • ◉ Sesame Street: What is Dance?
  • Everything you need to know about energy,...
  • How Pyrex Transformed The Way We Cook
  • Document Deep Dive: What Does the Magna Carta Really Say?
  • ◉ Shady Characters: The Secret Life of Punctuation, Symbols, and Other Typographical Marks -…
  • If Technology is Changing How We Communicate, What Does That Mean for Communication Design?
  • An Exclusive Offer You Can't Refuse: Hilarious Spam Emails, Illustrated
  • The Problem With The Color Blue
  • Apple's Support of Ad Blocking May Upend How the Web Works
  • The Iconic Covers of Paul Bacon
  • How Science Changed Sleep Forever
  • The strange questions New York Public Library librarians received before the internet
  • Oliver Sacks on What Happened to Spalding Gray
  • The Creativity Top 5: The Best Brand Ideas of the Week
  • Marginalia, the Anti-Library, and Other Ways to Master the Lost Art of Reading
  • Object of Intrigue: The Most Beautiful Banknote in U.S. History
  • Tell Me Who You Spend Time With, And I Will Tell You Who You Are
  • When Things Get Tough, It’s the Realists Who Survive
  • The Art and Business of Book Covers
  • SpaceX founder files with government to provide Internet service from space
  • Great podcast: Viva La Arquitectura!
  • Create Things No One Else Will Ever See
  • Rare footage surfaces of Amelia Earhart shortly before she vanished
  • The cause of hangovers isn't what you think—and other insights from a new group that researches a very old problem.
  • Paul Bacon (1923-2015), master of the “Big Book Look” in cover design, died on Monday at 94 of a heart attack.
  • Son of migrants, Juan Felipe Herrera to become first Latino U.S. Poet Laureate
  • Is Translation an Art or a Math Problem?
  • Amazing Time-Lapse Drone Footage of the Newly Completed Crossrail Tunnels Across Greater London
  • The Tree of Languages Illustrated in a Big, Beautiful Infographic
  • The Evidence Points to a Better Way to Fight Insomnia
  • The obscure legal system that lets corporations sue countries
  • Study: Kids can learn as much from ‘Sesame Street’ as from preschool
  • Original Star Wars Script Found, Solves Long-Running Mystery
  • 13 Little-Known Punctuation Marks We Should Be Using
  • ◉ If You Want to Meet That Deadline, Play a Trick on Your Mind
  • The 50 Most-Read McSweeney’s Internet Tendency Articles of All-Time.
  • The American West, 150 Years Ago
  • The Middle of Things: Advice for Young Writers
  • Helsinki’s free, city-wide Wi-Fi network is faster than your home internet
  • Beautiful Time-Lapse Drone Footage of Fog Gently Rolling Over Twin Peaks and Sutro Tower in San Francisco
  • Regular readers sleep better, have lower stress levels, higher self-esteem, and lower rates of depression than non-readers....
  • Don't You Just Love Oral Histories Of Movies?