Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links: May 1, 2015


  • Lake Michigan is So Clear Right Now its Shipwrecks Are Visible From the Air
  • 400 years after his death, Shakespeare's sonnets live on in your smartphone
  • Baudelaire, Balzac, Dumas, Delacroix & Hugo Get a Little Baked at Their Hash Club (1844-1849)
  • 7 Lessons in Storytelling, From Novelist, Screenwriter, And Filmmaker (Don't Call Him a Director) Alex Garland
  • This journey was nearly 4 billion miles — and took 10 years
  • How To Read The Mind Of A Supreme Court Justice, using algorithms
  • ◉ Working Podcast: The “How Does Stephen Colbert Work?” Edition
  • How The NY Times Is Sparking the VR Journalism Revolution
  • Why can’t we read anymore?
  • Location Is Your Most Critical Data, and Everyone's Watching
  • Could your brain repair itself?
  • When Google is your librarian and Starbucks your WiFi, do we still need public libraries?
  • What It Takes To Change Your Brain's Patterns After Age 25
  • The Untold Story of Silk Road
  • The Rise and Fall of the Hotel Mini-Bar
  • Terrifying 1906 Illustrations of H. G. Wells’ ‘The War of the Worlds’
  • ◉ Walter Mischel, The Marshallow Test, and Self-Control
  • A Hiker Filming a Scenic Vista in Chile Captures the Moment Chile’s Calbuco Volcano Erupts
  • Turning Shakespeare's sonnets into short films
  • 6 of the Most Essential but Underused Camera Features
  • ◉ The School of Life: Nigella Lawson on Food and Philosophy -…
  • Art exhibit lets vision-impaired visitors touch masterpieces at Madrid museum
  • The Oldest Known Footage of London (1890-1920) Shows the City's Great Landmarks
  • Fascinating Photos Take You Behind the Scenes of Hubble
  • Content in Context is King by Derek Featherstone – An Event Apart Video
  • Martin Scorsese Introduces Filmmaker Hong Sangsoo, "The Woody Allen of Korea"
  • 14 design podcasts to put in your ears
  • Silence in the Workplace
  • ◉ Jordan "DJ Earworm" Roseman: Music from the Crowd
  • Inside the Hellscape Where Our Computers Go to Die
  • This Month in Typography — I Love Typography
  • ◉ All In a Word: 100 Delightful Excursions into the Uses and Abuses of Words -…
  • 101 Amazing Facts Everyone Should Know
  • Inside the world’s best kindergarten
  • The FBI faked an entire field of forensic science.
  • The History of Emojis, or Why That Brand Just Winked at You
  • Experience: I am Big Bird
  • San Francisco Symphony Targets Younger Fans with Nightclub Events
  • A Brief History of the Ways Companies Compete
  • ◉ Steven Pinker On Bad And Good Writing
  • Inside the surprisingly dark world of Rube Goldberg machines
  • Homeless Millennials Are Transforming Hobo Culture
  • If You’re Not Learning Something New, It’s Time to Move On
  • ◉ Where the Suckers Moon: The Life and Death of an Advertising Campaign -…
  • Janet Collins: The 1st black prima ballerina at the Metropolitan Opera
  • Tesla Isn't an Automaker. It's a Battery Company
  • The Creativity Top 5: The Best Brand Ideas of the Week
  • ◉ On digital luxury and digital intimacy, Jony Ive and Marc Newson with Suzy Menkes -…
  • A Ballet Dancer, Offstage, With a Camera
  • The Best Teams Act Like Musicians
  • Unforgettable Hubble Space Telescope Photos
  • The Unbelievable Power of Amazon Web Services, it runs Netflix, Instagram, and thousands of other services
  • Love Your Company.
  • Want To See A Sliver Of What Google Knows About You?
  • How Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO Affect Pictures Shown in a Chart
  • How Legendary Illustrator Maira Kalman Stays Creative
  • Kermit the Frog Has a Real Life Long-Lost Brother
  • WIRED's Next List for 2015
  • The Big Question: Why Does Hair Grow in Some Places But Not Others?
  • Chimpanzees granted 'legal persons' status to defend their rights in court
  • Best American Poetry Books of the 2010s
  • A whole lot of ick: Darth Vader Mask Made of Bugs Is Terrifying and Gorgeous
  • Dear Data: Two women who switched continents get to know each other through the data they draw
  • Habits Are Decisions You Only Need to Make Once
  • Nice Downtowns: How Did They Get That Way?
  • I Visited the Tate Museum (in Minecraft)
  • What 'Food Porn' Does to the Brain. What's the psychological appeal of looking at food that can't be tasted?
  • 11 images that capture the incredible vastness of space
  • The science behind how our brains process movies
  • The Big Question: Why Does Hair Grow in Some Places But Not Others?
  • Surely you can’t be serious: An oral history of Airplane!
  • How Do Trees Know When It's Spring? A Horticulturalist Explains The Science Behind Seasonal Blooming.
  • Typewolf → A Comprehensive Guide to Smart Quotes, Dashes & Other Typographic Characters
  • ◉ The Alarming New Research on Perfectionism
  • Amazing Software Turns Paper Into Computers
  • Love this tumblr: Library of Type Specimens
  • Instagram Becomes A Choose-Your-Own Adventure For The Toronto Silent Film Festival
  • Dutch Homes Get Free Heating If They Agree To Host A Computer Server
  • Mobilegeddon Checklist: How To Prepare For This Week's Google Mobile Friendly Update
  • The Future Of Museums Is Reaching Way Beyond Their Walls
  • The state of storytelling in the internet age
  • Astronomers discover largest known structure in the universe is ... a big hole
  • 8 Habits of Curious People