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The Week's Links: June 20, 2014

All the links posted on social networks this week: 

  • Google Adds Graffiti to Its Art Portfolio -
  • Meet The Next 20 Genius Kids Getting $100,000 From Peter Thiel To Ditch College
  • BuzzFeed’s Jonah Peretti Goes Long- The media mogul (twice over) on being both contagious and sticky
  • The 99U Podcast Episode 1: Oliver Burkeman - 99U
  • The 2014 Guide to Responsive Web Design
  • The Beautiful Branded Game: See The 12 Best 2014 World Cup Ads
  • The novice's guide to excellent Mac
  • ◉ A Dance Interlude…
  • ◉ Howard Goodall's Story of Music (Videos)
  • Tesla wants to kill gasoline by sharing its electric car technology with
  • ◉ Recommended: Creative Intelligence: Harnessing the Power to Create, Connect, and Inspire
  • Stop Facebook and Other Companies from Using Your Web History for Ads
  • The World Cup of Everything Else -
  • Julian Koenig, Who Sold Americans on Beetles and Earth Day, Dies at 93 -
  • David McCandless: The beauty of data visualization
  • The end of the roadie: how the backstage boys grew up
  • Study: Teens are drinking less, texting
  • Your Craziest Math Questions, Answered to the Decimal Point
  • MIT Develops a Novel Camouflaging Algorithm That Hides Eyesores
  • How Amazon got a patent on white-background photography
  • 12 Hidden Tricks Advertisers Use to Sell You Stuff
  • ◉ The test of first-rate
  • World's Largest Radio Telescope Abandoned by Germany - Scientific American
  • ◉ Recommended: The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
  • The Sleep Schedules Of 27 Of History's Greatest Minds
  • ◉ In Modern Marketing, a Big Dose of Data in the Creative Juices…
  • Your Personality Type, Defined by the Internet Very accurate in my
  • 40 maps that explain the internet
  • Richard Strauss's 10 Golden Rules for Young Conductors
  • Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness
  • Vogue Creates New Revenue With Shoppable Instagrams
  • Keren Elazari: Hackers- the Internet's immune system
  • How to Practice Gratitude
  • Newspaper printed with ink that repels mosquitoes
  • ◉ The Intended Audience
  • Facebook to Let Users Alter Their Ad Profiles
  • ◉ Recommended: Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
  • Amazing: 16 million color pen can match its ink to the shade of any real world
  • ◉ Meet The Godfather Of Wearables…
  • Simple and Effective Facebook Tactics for Nonprofits- The Chronicle of
  • Ink in water, beautiful: a due Colori on
  • Empathy Versus Analytical
  • Amazing: Salvador Dalí & Walt Disney's Destino: See the Collaborative Film, Original Storyboards & Ink Drawings
  • NASA | ART: 50 Years of
  • New research finds one type of “magical thinking”—the belief that ability can be transferred through touch—can actually work for some...
  • How NPR's Developers Deal With Their Biggest Tech Headaches
  • What Comes After the Turing Test?
  • ◉ How and Why to Be a Leader
  • Amazing: 50s computer brochures
  • ◉ Recommended: The Innovator's Cookbook: Essentials for Inventing What Is
  • Another fantastic episode of 99% Invisible: Song Exploder about the House of Cards theme song and music.
  • ◉ Krista Donaldson: Designing Products That Change the World…
  • Scanning Books For Searchable Database Is Not Copyright Violation, Finds U.S.
  • A (Brief) Guide to Cease and Desists for Indie Developers
  • N.Y. Philharmonic Names New-Music Prizewinner, Danish composer Per Nørgå
  • Once, bookkeepers were valorized in great
  • Bansky Renovates His Site, Relaunches Another and Reveals Other Interesting
  • Such a great idea: ▶ 30 Weeks: A founders program for designers
  • Center for the Future of Museums: The Future of the Museum Store
  • Listen: How the Internet Works
  • Writing In The 21st Century: A conversation with Steven Pinker-
  • Amazing: Watch the First Vine Video From Space
  • Chimps are amazing game theorists (but can they write hamlet?)
  • Business School, Disrupted -
  • Quit Using These 10 Words to Describe Yourself on LinkedIn
  • Can you identify the book from its map? -
  • The Art of Focus -
  • Botticelli's 92 Illustrations of Dante's Divine Comedy
  • Seth's Blog: Two kinds of busy
  • 'Digital Deadly Sins': The Morality Of Our Digital Obsessions
  • Seth's Blog: It's not about you
  • For Apple, Marketing Is a Whole New
  • H&M's New Online Catalog Can Be Remixed Like Music
  • Why Our Brains Crave Storytelling In
  • Learn To Code, Learn To Think
  • Could Minecraft Be the Hook to Get Girls Interested in Coding?
  • 25 Campaigns That Will Win Lions in
  • How the Recession Reshaped the Economy, in 255 Charts -
  • The Brief Sucks. Now Go Make Some
  • ◉ The Intended Audience
  • ◉ Recommended: Smart Thinking: Three Essential Keys to Solve Problems, Innovate, and Get Things Done
  • How Pentagram Rebranded The World's Largest Book Publisher
  • ◉ The Week's Links: June 13, 2014…
  • Digitizing the consumer decision journey- McKinsey & Company
  • The Fire Hydrant Gets Its First Major Redesign In 100 Years
  • The seven habits of highly effective digital enterprises- McKinsey &