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The Week's Links: January 10, 2014

All the links posted on social networks this week: 

  • The Science & Psychology Of Social Media
  • At City Ballet, Footwear Is Almost as Important as Feet More here:
  • People Don’t Make More Friends, They Just Replace Their Old Ones
  • The Bogus Bard: 5 Stories About Shakespeare We Wish Were True
  • 15 Tech Trends That Will Define 2014, Selected By Frog
  • Spectacular Shots of Golden Hour Across the World
  • ◉ On Top Of The World
  • A Simple Logic Question That Most Harvard Students Get Wrong
  • Designers Charles & Ray Eames Create a Promotional Film for the Groundbreaking Polaroid SX-70 Instant Camera (1972)
  • The 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness
  • ◉ Talk Less, Do More…
  • This Clear, Flexible Electronic Circuit Can Fit on the Surface of a Contact Lens
  • Scientists seek to make something like a Google Map of the brain: The Brain, in Exquisite Detail
  • Google’s Ray Kurzweil predicts how the world will change
  • Three Is the Right Number for Persuasion, a Study Says
  • Edutopia compiled Resources for Arts Integration into curriculums.
  • Mind-Blowing Video Shows How Lighting Can Transform How Your Face Looks
  • Scientists Successfully Model a Living Cell with Software: Scientific American
  • ◉ Tony Kushner: Does Theater Still Matter?
  • 2013: The Year in Interactive Storytelling
  • Sweden leads the way in mobile-payment technology- The Economist
  • ◉ Using Language to Shape a Creative Culture -…
  • The Beatles Perform a Fun Spoof of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1964)
  • So great: Symmetry, A Short Film That Unfolds in Two Mirrored Chapters
  • Steven Levy, with access to the NSA, for Wired: How the NSA Almost Killed the
  • ◉ Room For Literature
  • Why Is No Among a Child's First Words?
  • 8 Subconscious Mistakes Our Brains Make Every Day--And How To Avoid
  • 1942 ‘Time Capsule’ Apartment Discovered In Paris
  • ◉ "Die Fledermaus" as seen and heard from the conductor's Google Glass…
  • How Sleep Deprivation Decays the Mind and Body
  • Google Puts Over 57,000 Works of Art on the Web
  • Beyond selfies and twerking … the words that really mattered in 2013
  • Four iPad Stats Every Publisher Should
  • 28 Beautiful Quotes About
  • Watch Japanese scientists levitate things using nothing but soundwaves
  • More Quirky iPhone Photos of Everyday Objects by Brock Davis
  • 9 Child Prodigies (Who Actually Ended Up Doing Something)
  • A Mom And Her Son Blow Bubbles In The Freezing Cold. They Never Expected It To Look So Amazing
  • ◉ New Year's Resolutions Are A Lousy Substitute To Caring
  • Lovely, Intricate Illustrations Of Coffee Culture Created On Coffee Filters
  • Apple Engineer Creates Elaborate Drawing Machine, Using Legos
  • The Art of Living: A Free Stanford Course Explores Timeless Questions
  • ◉ This year, will you: create or consume?…
  • Designing Packaging Isn't Easy. Here's All The Innovation You Don't See
  • The future arrives over and over and over again, photos from the CES vault: 1967 to
  • Day Made: Neil Gaiman Reads Charles Dickens’s Original Performance Script for “A Christmas Carol”
  • CBS Films Takes Out Full-Page 'NYT' Ad Featuring a Single Tweet
  • Tim Berners-Lee Speaks Out Against Unchecked Government
  • Openness to experience is the personality trait most consistently associated with
  • These Scientists Studied Why Internet Stories Go Viral. You Won't Believe What They
  • Zappos is going holacratic: no job titles, no managers, no hierarchy
  • To change attitudes and behaviors, it helps to first change the vernacular.
  • The blog is dead, long live the blog: Nieman Journalism Lab
  • “No story should depend upon interactive design elements; a story should remain readable and compelling on its own.”
  • Amazing: Capturing images of bystanders by zooming in on pictures of corneas
  • Facebook’s Cutesy Annual Report To Partners Reveals First Country-By-Country Mobile
  • 10 unsolved mysteries in classical
  • How the Simpsons Have Secretly Been Teaching You Math
  • 11 Expert Tips To Help You Be More Productive In 2014
  • How Netflix Reverse Engineered
  • Why You Should Read More
  • Five Reasons Why You Should Probably Stop Using Antibacterial Soap
  • Famous Resolution Lists: Jonathan Swift, Susan Sontag, Marilyn Monroe, Woody
  • How Does Heart Rate Change with Exercise?- Scientific American
  • The One Simple Thing That Can Make You Much More Impressive
  • Maps give us perspective. Here are some amazing ones:
  • What Drives Us to Do the Right Thing? A Look at New Brain Research
  • The 15 Most Memorable Profiles Of
  • Polynesians May Have Invented Binary