Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links: September 13, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week: 

  • Metropolis Restored: Watch a New Version of Fritz Lang’s Masterpiece 
  • Performing Shakespeare’s plays with their original English accent 
  • The Learning Dead: AMC's Zombie Show Spins Off Online Survival Course 
  • How Video Games Can Stop Cognitive Decline 
  • Wait, What's That? The Science Behind Why Your Mind Keeps Wandering 
  • Penguin Gives New Looks To Books That Influenced J.R.R. Tolkien 
  • Will Shortz, NYT's Crosswords Editor, on How a Crossword is Made 
  • Recommended: The Creative Process Illustrated: How Advertising's Big Ideas Are Born 
  • Psychology Today: New research suggests that American schoolchildren are becoming less creative. 
  • Creativity Top 5: Week of September 9, 2013 
  • A History of Rock ‘n’ Roll in 100 Riffs 
  • Can The "GitHub For Science" Convince Researchers To Open-Source Their Data? 
  • To Preserve Digital Design, The Smithsonian Begins Collecting Apps 
  • Useful: Just Delete Me | A directory of direct links to delete your account from web services. 
  • Your Brain by the Numbers 
  • Hear the Isolated Vocal Tracks for The Beatles’ Climactic 16-Minute Medley on Abbey Road 
  • Recommended: Where the Suckers Moon: The Life and Death of an Advertising Campaign 
  • Worthwhile Stories 
  • The 10 Greatest Films of All Time According to 846 Film Critics 
  • Why Do Our Best Ideas Come to Us in the Shower? 
  • Videogame May Help Rejuvenate Elderly Brains 
  • Design Fail: Why Isn't There A Standard Way To Swipe A Credit Card? 
  • How Do You Raise a Prodigy? 
  • Disney Brainstorming Method: Dreamer, Realist, and Spoiler 
  • Recommended: Hey, Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Great Advertising 
  • Worthwhile Stories 
  • Creative Destruction 
  • Taking Control of Contracts: What Every Creative Should Know 
  • Why is the 'new' Van Gogh painting significant? 
  • The Evolutionary Case for Great Fiction 
  • Watch The Amazing 1912 Animation of Stop-Motion Pioneer Ladislas Starevich, Starring Dead Bugs 
  • The Perfect Nap: Sleeping Is a Mix of Art and Science 
  • The Icon in the Costume Shop: Valentino at NYC Ballet 
  • Recommended: Confessions of an Advertising Man 
  • Google had an M&M problem. This is how they dealt with it. 
  • In praise of laziness 
  • Five Incredible—and Real—Mind Control Applications 
  • MACH - A computer that teaches people how to be social. 
  • In historic vote, New Zealand bans software patents 
  • How news spread - BREAKING: American Colonies Declare Independence 
  • Chemical weapons and the scientists who make them 
  • Van Gogh’s own words after cutting his ear recorded in Paris newspaper 
  • Study: Artists Report Higher Than Usual Job Satisfaction 
  • Brian De Palma's use of dance in film. 
  • Classical Music Leadership for the 21st Century: Marin Alsop's speech at the Last Night of the Proms *APPLAUSE* 
  • Useful resource: jsPDF - A HTML5 client-side solution for generating PDFs. 
  • Mobile in museums: tips and advice from the experts 
  • The CRM Of The Future Will Recommend New Customers To You Automatically 
  • The More Things Change, the More Our Objections to Change Stay the Same - Bill Taylor 
  • Could Google Be an Economic Magic 8-Ball? 
  • Why We Lose Our Days To Unproductive Tasks 
  • 10 Fascinating Facts About The Hidden Industry That Touches 90% Of What You Own 
  • An Oral History Of Apple Design: 2001 
  • Art of the Title: Designer Saul Bass collaborates with Director Otto Preminger. 
  • Tips for Applicants to the NEA’s Research: Art Works Program 
  • How Much Sleep Do You Need? Sleep Cycles & Stages, Lack of Sleep, and How to Get the Hours You Need 
  • 18 (Free) Books Ernest Hemingway Wished He Could Read Again for the First Time 
  • The Internet Explained By Prisoners Who Have Never Seen It 
  • 7 Storytelling Reasons Why Innovation Fails 
  • Netflix for books: Oyster - A Gorgeous New App Offering Unlimited Books for $9.95 a Month 
  • A couple of these surprised me: 10 Famous Books With Lesser-Known Subtitles 
  • Get To Know NYC Ballet 
  • Should We Teach Literature Students How To Analyze Texts Algorithmically? 
  • Australian archive says 1996 pop art-inspired version of Shakespeare was first movie created for the internet 
  • Recommended: Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries 
  • The New York Times (quietly) drops the F-bomb