Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links: August 30, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week: 

  • The Surprising Complexity of Lobster Prices 
  • More Is More: Why the Paradox of Choice Might Be a Myth 
  • Inside an orchestra's audition: Boston Magazine's The Audition 
  • Does digital technology help theatre – or hinder it? 
  • “Prequalifying Clients,” an article by Dan Mall 
  • The Rad New Words Added to the Dictionary in the '90s: Where Are They Now? 
  • Another article with a great layout: This Man Has a Train, an Army of Artists, and an Entire Nation for a Gallery 
  • The Career-Advancing Secrets Of 3 People With Awesome Careers 
  • An Ode To Creative Work, By Behance 
  • Rebranding A NYC Bookstore To Evoke The Golden Age Of Travel 
  • Become More Data-Driven by Breaking These Bad Habits - Thomas C. Redman 
  • Ogilvy Chief Data Officer Role May Be Sign of Things to Come 
  • Infographic: America's Strongest And Weakest Coffee Makers 
  • The Art of the Dollar: Meticulous Currency Collages by Mark Wagner 
  • Great Resource: Butterick’s Practical Typography 
  • Love this: Type Hunting 
  • Brown University creates first wireless, implanted brain-computer interface 
  • A year inside The Australian Ballet: Episode 7 - The mid-year review 
  • Welcome to the “Internet of Things,” where even lights aren’t hacker safe 
  • App, Secret Sites Create The Immersive World Of Novel 'Night Film' 
  • The Computer That Put Men on the Moon 
  • 15 Companies That Originally Sold Something Else 
  • A Curious Inspiration for the First Stethoscope 
  • CoreBrand Names Top Ten Most And Least Respected Brands Of The Year 
  • The danger of comparing ourselves to others — and how to stop 
  • Backstage At The Metropolitan Opera 
  • How to Track the Life of a Story With Twitter Analytics 
  • Uncharted territory: amateur cartographers fight to put their communities on the map 
  • How the Egyptian Pyramids Were Built: A New Theory in 3D Animation 
  • Two Things Experts Do Differently Than Non-Experts When Practicing 
  • The Real Neuroscience of Creativity 
  • Adam Savage's Ten Rules for Success 
  • The Rijksmuseum Puts 125,000 Dutch Masterpieces Online, and Lets You Remix Its Art 
  • Watch Picasso Create Entire Paintings in Magnificent Time-Lapse Film (1956) 
  • Fun: Ballet dancers in random situations 
  • No one ever bought anything on an elevator 
  • Free Philip K. Dick: Download 13 Great Science Fiction Stories 
  • Every Child Is An Artist 
  • The Human Body, An Educational App for Exploring a Working Model of Human Anatomy 
  • Infographic: An Amazing Atlas of the World Wide Web 
  • The Getty Puts 4600 Art Images Into the Public Domain (and There’s More to Come) 
  • Lego Architecture Studio Brings Modernism to the Play Room 
  • Why Mosquitoes Like You and Not Me 
  • Release: Immersive and Interactive Digital Media Programs to Receive Emmys 
  • Why do new plays feel like tv shows? 
  • Alfred Hitchcock’s 50 Ways to Kill a Character (and Our Favorite Hitch Resources on the Web)  
  • WSJ's Wireless Savings Calculator 
  • Type Hunting Offers a Look at Some Great Vintage Typography 
  • TED-Ed: A brief history of video games (Part I) - Safwat Saleem 
  • You Are Bad At Assessing People (But So Is Everybody Else) 
  • Our Social Brains 
  • The 11 Worst Sounds in the World 
  • Beyond Sheer Brainpower 
  • 10 Miniature Books We Covet 
  • Shawn Blanc: How I Self-Published My Book - including the tools he used. 
  • Making connections in the eye: Wiring diagram of retinal neurons is first step toward mapping the human brain. 
  • The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next 
  • IBM's Made A Programming Language Like The One Your Brain Would Use