Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links: July 5, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week:

  • The world's smallest museum 
  • A history of color photography 
  • How New Fonts Are Helping Dyslexics Read and Making Roads Safer 
  • From New York to Mumbai, the Top 100 Design Trends of the Urban World 
  • 5 1/2 Examples of Experimental Music Notation 
  • Every Night You Lose More Than A Pound While You're Asleep (For The Oddest Reason) 
  • Mr. Magoo’s Cartoon Version of William Shakespeare’s Comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream 
  • Why the Tomato Was Feared in Europe for More Than 200 Years 
  • The Gut-Wrenching Science Behind the World’s Hottest Peppers 
  • Science on money. Literally. 
  • Mapping mobile devices and twitter use. Amazing. 
  • Macoto Murayama's Intricate Blueprints of Flowers 
  • What Animal Sounds Look Like 
  • How to Convert X-Rays From A Distant Star into Blues, Jazz and Classical Music 
  • The Rain Room: Making it Rain, Everywhere But On You 
  • Creativity Top 5: Week of July 1, 2013 
  • The Gripping, Mind-Blowing, Thrilling Evolution of the Movie Trailer 
  • So, how are cocktails named? 
  • Hummingbird Feathers Reverberate Like Violin Strings 
  • E-Readers Don’t Cut Down on Reading Comprehension 
  • On Venus It Snows Metal 
  • That “Old Book Smell” Is a Mix of Grass and Vanilla 
  • A New 3D Map of the Universe Covers More Than 100 Million Light-Years 
  • Waking Up With a New Accent: Foreign Accent Syndrome Is a Real Thing 
  • Clapping is Contagious 
  • Penguin Book Covers Get Redesigned By Street Artists 
  • The Disney Strategic Recipe - Todd Zenger 
  • TED Playlists: How does my brain work? 
  • The Corporation is at Odds with the Future - Grant McCracken 
  • 12 Ideas About The Future Of Media (From New York Times, Digg, and The New School) 
  • Salvador Dalí’s 100 Illustrations of Dante’s The Divine Comedy 
  • The 50 Books Everyone Needs to Read, 1963-2013 
  • Useful: Resources for Mac and iOS Developers 
  • Read Fiction and Be a Better Leader 
  • What exactly is skeuomorphism
  • Free Ebooks for Designers and Developers 
  • These Amazing Twitter Metadata Visualizations Will Blow Your Mind 
  • How to Build a Digital Brain 
  • Nat Geo Mines Its Unpublished Archives for Precious Gems 
  • MIT Whiz Sets Out to Humanize the Internet of Things 
  • How the Large Hadron Collider Will Bring the Internet to Everything 
  • 6 Unproduced Pixar Films and Sequels 
  • 20 Photos of Iconic Buildings and Bridges As They Were Being Built 
  • A Child’s Introduction to Jazz by Cannonball Adderley (with Louis Armstrong & Thelonious Monk) 
  • 7 Great Works That Inspired Geeks To Change The World 
  • What Happens When You Deactivate Your Facebook Account 
  • Why Spiderman is Such a Good Dancer 
  • Leo Tolstoy’s library of work goes online 
  • Beyond the Brain: Advances in neuroscience promise many things, but they will never explain everything. 
  • At in-depth look at the design for the Vesper app. 
  • Arts and culture was fastest-growing philanthropic cause in 2012 
  • New German research finds a darkened room encourages freedom of thought and inspires innovation. 
  • Scott Adams: Creativity and Memory 
  • Introducing Wireless Philosophy: An Open Access Philosophy Project Created by Yale and MIT 
  • 5 Minute Drill: How to Negotiate Like a Pro 
  • Notes toward a theory of the theater of bartending
  • A Visit to MillerCoors' Real-Life Research Lab 
  • Creativity Top 5: Week of June 24, 2013 
  • Coffee vs. beer: Which drink makes you more creative?