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The Week's Links: June 28, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week:

  • The One-Minute Trick to Negotiating Like a Boss 
  • What Kids Are Reading, In School And Out 
  • The 4 Weapons Of Exceptional Creative Leaders 
  • The typewriters of famous authors. 
  • The Gripping, Mind-Blowing, Thrilling Evolution of the Movie Trailer 
  • Coffee vs. beer: Which drink makes you more creative? 
  • A Visit to MillerCoors' Real-Life Research Lab 
  • Tim Carmody on the Past, Present and Future of Reading 
  • Defry Your Burnt Brain: 4 Quick Ways To Unplug In The Afternoon 
  • Attention Must Be Paid 
  • 5 Actual Facts About the Science of Dreams 
  • 15 Weird Sample Dialogues from Old English Textbooks 
  • Design Observer: 50 Books/50 Covers 2012 Winners Announced 
  • Perfect pitch may not be so 'perfect' 
  • Neil Gaiman prepares for social media 'sabbatical' 
  • Gareth Kay: Brand Building in a Digital Age 
  • Who Benefits from Arts and Cultural Districts? 
  • This is great: pictures of people around the world, reading. 
  • AJ Jacobs: The Importance of Self-Delusion in the Creative Process 
  • Habit Change = Identity Change 
  • How to Build a Collaborative Office Space Like Pixar and Google 
  • 3 Tips on Overcoming Learning Plateaus from David Foster Wallace 
  • What Leap Motion And Google Glass Mean For Future User Experience 
  • The World's Best Commercials, 2012-13 
  • How To Be Prolific: Guidelines For Getting It Done From Joss Whedon 
  • Bertrand Russell: The First Media Academic?: A Retrospective of His Influential Radio Appearances 
  • Herb Lubalin and Expressive Typography 
  • Today's Google Doodle in honor of Antoni Gaudi is fantastic. 
  • MoMA Pays Tribute to Le Corbusier 
  • How did I not know about this blog: Photoshop Secrets 
  • The Art of Animation, Motion Graphics, Tech Gone Wrong & Why They Go Viral 
  • Color management and UI design 
  • Joss Whedon: 'I kept telling my mum reading comics would pay off' 
  • David Ogilvy: 10 Qualities of Creative Leaders 
  • 22 Iconic Music Logos Explained 
  • Your Hidden Censor: What Your Mind Will Not Let You See 
  • Laughter and the Brain: Can humor help us better understand the most complex and enigmatic organ in the human body? 
  • 10 Literary Restaurants for Hungry Book Nerds Around the World 
  • MIT Technology Review: Introduction to the 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2013 
  • New Canadian research finds reading a literary short story increases one’s comfort with ambiguity. 
  • Cannes 2013 Recap: See All the Grand Prix Winners 
  • The full spectrum of elements, a reimagined periodic table from LIFE magazine, circa 1949. 
  • Some visual fun: Shattering Flowers & Fruits with Liquid Nitrogen in Super Slow Motion 
  • Traditional Japanese Art Created Using Excel Spreadsheets. What? 
  • The Theory Behind Social Networking & Dijkstra's Algorithm (MIT Video Lesson) 
  • Physicists on money. Exactly what the title says. 
  • George Lois and Lee Clow on the Simple, Complicated Future of Advertising 
  • In case you've wondered what's inside Google Glass, here is a teardown. 
  • Some of the mashups are amazing: Mashing Up Old and New Famous Faces 
  • New Canadian research finds reading a literary short story increases one’s comfort with ambiguity. 
  • Ghostly Pictures: What Phantom Limbs Can Tell Us About Your Brain 
  • Sizing Up Big Data, Broadening Beyond the Internet 
  • Saul Griffith's Top 3 Tips to Successfully Launch a New Technology 
  • Behind the Scenes on Successful Viral Video Advertising Campaigns 
  • Doctor Performs First Google Glass-Equipped Surgery 
  • 6 Reasons Why Ballet Dancers Make Awesome Employees 
  • How typeface influences the way we read and think 
  • Beautiful: Spectacular GIFs of Flickering City Lights at Night 
  • Why Lucas and Spielberg see Hollywood at the edge 
  • 3,000 Classic Books in a tiny USB 
  • Eight Ways of Looking at Intelligence 
  • Za'atar: A Spice Mix With Biblical Roots And Brain Food Reputation 
  • By Creatives, For Creatives: A Travel Guide App For The Globe-Trotting Creative 
  • The Secret Science of Scalping Tickets 
  • Why Do We Think We Don't Sleep Enough? 
  • 50 Great Movies You Can (Legally) Watch for Free Right Now 
  • Kinect and Classical Music: A Match Made in Disney Heaven? 
  • TED-Ed: What color is Tuesday? Exploring synesthesia - Richard E. Cytowic
  • Yoga is better for your brain than exercise, study finds 
  • Emily Post's Internet Etiquette: How to Behave in a Digital World 
  • Loved this, you should watch it: The Invisible Made Visible presented by This American Life 
  • 50 Years of Space Exploration 
  • When a Web-based artwork becomes technologically obsolete, does updated software simply restore it or changes it? 
  • Seven Questions to Ask Your Data Geeks 

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