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The Week's Links: June 21, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week:

  • Understanding App Store Pricing — Part 1 
  • Gorgeous: Starry Long Exposure Photos of Fireflies in the Forests of Japan 
  • The Dieline's Top 25 Chocolate Bar Packages 
  • 2.55pm, time when average office employee has their 'most unproductive moment of the day' 
  • These are great: Tech Noir - Cinemagraphs of living movie stills 
  • Mark Morris on Dance, Aging and Immortality 
  • Seven Questions to Ask Your Data Geeks 
  • When a Web-based artwork becomes technologically obsolete, does updated software simply restore it or changes it? 
  • The Pros & Cons Of Waiting In Line 
  • Inside Digg's Race to Build the New Google Reader 
  • Rory Sutherland knows how to save marketing and why the next big technology may not be a technology at all 
  • Sam Potts: My Six-Point Plan for Doing Projects 
  • 2,131 books fell over... 
  • Op-Ed: An Entrepreneur’s Take on Building a Great Design Team 
  • Decoding Space and Time in the Brain Network 
  • Until the next study, coffee is good for you: This Is Your Brain on Coffee 
  • 11,680 The number of emails sent to the average worker per year, and other email stats: 
  • The Unlikely Evolution Of The @ Symbol 
  • Trust your hunches, and write them down. 
  • Claudia Jacobs: Why Philanthropy Should Steam Ahead and Support the Creative Economy 
  • Marketing philosophy: Thought experiments are the product, and podcasts the placement. 
  • Summer Reading: The School of Life 
  • Digital organization launches to film new dance commissions 
  • Ira Silverberg leaves the National Endowment for the Arts 
  • Points: the socially-powered street sign 
  • Reading List: 6 Great Sci-Fi Stories About Robots 
  • Four Ways to Give Good Feedback 
  • How I Learned To Stop Comparing Myself To Others, And Love My Own Ideas 
  • amiina: Mixing it up, Iceland style 
  • How American Linguist Alice Kober Helped Unlock the Secrets of Linear B 
  • Summer Reading: The Novels of Max Barry 
  • What is a Museum? 
  • Are Video Games the Next Great Art Form? 
  • The Complete Beginner's Guide to Universal Design 
  • 50 Designers’ Desks: Part 2 
  • Researchers Explain How Brands Make You Fall In Love 
  • Did A Hedge Fund Guy Unlock The Biggest Question In The Universe? 
  • Rory Sutherland knows how to save marketing 
  • A Critic’s Case for Critics Who Are Actually Critical 
  • The “Boxed Set Approach” to Setting Goals 
  • Summer Reading: Independent Learning 
  • 6 Dictionary Mysteries You Can Help Solve 
  • Meet The 13 Designers On Fast Company's Most Creative People List 
  • Genius! Children's Cancer Center Rebrands Chemotherapy As "Superformula" in tie-in with DC Comics 
  • So good! Listen to Freddie Mercury and David Bowie on the Isolated Vocal Track for the Queen Hit ‘Under Pressure' 
  • German’s Longest Word Is No More 
  • Art of the Title takes a look at the opening sequence for Chasing Shakespeare (2013) 
  • The Creative Process of Ansel Adams Revealed in 1958 Documentary 
  • The Age of the Anti-Logo: Why Museums Are Shedding Their Identities 
  • D&AD Awards Winners 2013 
  • The Art Google Blurs 
  • This Is Responsive: Tips, Resources and Patterns for Responsive Web Design 
  • Creativity Top 5: Cannes Preview Edition 
  • Classic Books Annotated by Famous Authors 
  • Is There Such A Thing As Extinction Proof? 
  • Stephen King, Author Of 'Joyland': On Growing Up, Believing In God And Getting Scared 
  • The 50 Albums Everyone Needs to Own, 1963-2013 
  • Anonymous street artist brightens up London street furniture with incredibly detailed paintings 
  • Incredible Reading Rooms Around the World 
  • How Birds and Babies Learn to Talk 
  • Distinguishing Brain From Mind 
  • Stella Adler: The acting coach's notes on Tennessee Williams' female characters. 
  • Carl Sagan Puts Human History in Context 
  • The Making of Song Reader, Beck's album in sheet music. 
  • Freakonomics explains: Why Are There Cronut Scalpers? 
  • Because you always wanted to see what Dieter Rams' house looks like. 
  • Sight: A Short Film About Augmented Reality & Gamification 
  • For readers, this simple app is kinda genius: Slicereader - Easy reading for Mac 
  • Why Big Data Is Not Truth 
  • Lewis Carroll’s original manuscript for Alice’s Adventures Under Ground, with his own illustrations. 

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