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Get that tune out of your head

Richard Grey, Science Correspondent, The Telegraph: ​

They are the songs you cannot get out of your head. Now scientists may have found a way to help anyone plagued by those annoying tunes that lodge themselves inside our heads and repeat on an endless loop.

​Researchers claim the best way to stopping the phenomenon, sometimes known as earworms – where snippets of a catchy song inexplicably play like a broken record in your brain – is to solve some tricky anagrams.

​This can force the intrusive music out of your working memory, they say, allowing it to be replaced with other more amenable thoughts.

​But they also warn not to try anything too difficult as those irritating melodies may wiggle their way back into your consciousness.

​For those unwilling to carry around a book of anagrams, a good novel may also do the trick.

Recently the 1812 Overture took over my mind. I have no idea how it got there, all I know is that for the rest of the day I had the last five minutes (cannons and all) playing on a constant loop in my head while I was trying to work. If only I had known that a quick game of scrabble would have taken care of it. ​