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Google's Art Project Launches Art Talk with The Museum of Modern Art

To kick off our #ArtTalk series, learn how to create engaging online courses from the experts at The Museum of Modern Art, Guest speakers include Deborah Howes, Director of Digital Learning, Pablo Helguera, Director of Adult and Academic Programs, Doug Brannon, artist and Corey D'Augustine, online course student and artist and MoMA educator.

Google's Art Project kicks off their Art Talk series of Google+ Hangouts at The Museum of Modern Art. In this talk learn how to teach art online from MoMA's experts. Guest speakers include Deborah Howes, Director of Digital Learning, Pablo Helguera, Director of Adult and Academic Programs, Doug Brannon, artist and Corey D'Augustine, online course student and artist and MoMA educator.

​The next talk is from London. On March 20, Caroline Campbell and Arnika Schmidt from the National Gallery will discuss depictions of the female nude. Details are available on the Art Project’s event page. In April they’ll host a panel examining one of the Google Art Project’s popular gigapixel works, Bruegel’s “Tower of Babel,” featuring Peter Parshall, curator at the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

Additional talks are planned by curators from high-profile institutions such as The Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, the Museo Nacional de Arte in Mexico and the Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar.