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The Week's Links: March 15, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week:

  • So cool: Disorienting Portraits of People Walking In A Tilted New York City 
  • ​Drunk Texts from Famous Authors. Enough said. 
  • Dancers In Slow Motion 
  • I'm Not Your Consumer: How Research Misses The Human Behind The Demographic 
  • Brilliant idea, can't wait to try it: Hack the Met - Metropolitan Museum of Art Tour 
  • Met buys a David for $840: Sharp-eyed curators spot that sketch is an artist’s original, rather than a copy 
  • A guided hands-on with the NYT's first design overhaul since 2006, set to go live this fall 
  • Is Your User Content Online Legally Yours? 
  • Spectacular: Smithsonian Magazine's 2012 Photo Contest 
  • Creativity Top 5: Week of March 11, 2013 
  • Our brains, and how they're not as simple as we think 
  • James Dean In Ballet Class 
  • Watch: A Music Video For Typography Lovers 
  • If You’re Busy, You’re Doing Something Wrong: The Surprisingly Relaxed Lives of Elite Achievers 
  • Can limitations make you more creative? Q&A with artist Phil Hansen 
  • A Book Is Born 
  • Ogilvy & Mather Chief MIles Young Is Trying to Reinvent the Troubled Agency 
  • How emoji conquered the world: The story of the smiley face from the man who invented it 
  • Sharks Have Social Networks, Learn From Friends 
  • UCLA Film School professor Howard Suber explains how you can be a better storyteller 
  • What entrepreneurs can learn from artists 
  • What's Next? What's Now? 
  • The Big-Data Interview: Making Sense of the New World Order 
  • Add to the list of recently launched podcasts you should check out: The Gently Mad Podcast 
  • icons times: the day's headlines as icons 
  • The Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made According to The New York Times 
  • Art In The Era Of The Internet: The Impact of Kickstarter, Creative Commons & Creators Project 
  • BRANDING 101: What Building a Brand Means Today 
  • Such a great story: Why I Hacked Donkey Kong for My Daughter 
  • A first look at the upcoming redesign: Introducing A New Article Design — 
  • New ‘Subway Libraries’ Encourages Commuters To Read On-The-Go 
  • Wanna Play? Computer Gamers Help Push Frontier Of Brain Research 
  • Player-Centric Design: The UX of The Room 
  • Why it's so hard to kids to learn their colors--and a trick that might help. 
  • Google's Art Project Launches Art Talk with The Museum of Modern Art 
  • Curious about this: Art Copy&Code, A series of experiments to re-imagine advertising 
  • A look at the The Rite of Spring ballet, not the music, the dance. 
  • Fish: The Best App/Essay/Manifesto I've Seen In Years 
  • WP Magazine, the Education Issue: After years of crouching, arts ed is raising its hand again 
  • Useful: Meaningful Transitions - Motion Graphics in the User Interface 
  • Andrew Anker: Always be humble 
  • Download Hundreds of Free Art Catalogs from The Metropolitan Museum of Art 
  • FYI: 100+ frequently used digital marketing acronyms 
  • The Magic of Doing One Thing at a Time - Tony Schwartz 
  • Debug Yourself: Rethinking Mistakes And How They Affect Your Work 
  • On Getting Paid (And Knowing Your Worth) — Freelance Life 
  • Pop Deflated: The Banal Celebrity Tweet Elevated To Art 
  • How to Write a Novel: 10 Steps — A Writer’s Life 
  • How to Give a Meaningful "Thank You" - Mark Goulston 
  • What Does A Creative Director Do Exactly? And Is Justin Timberlake Qualified? 
  • How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries 
  • This Story Stinks: How online comments influence our interpretation of a story 
  • 50 Disruptive Companies 2013: MIT Technology Review 
  • The Ten Principles of 3D Printing 
  • Why Doodling in 3D is the Future 
  • A Rare Glimpse Into The Building Of New York City’s Subway 
  • Did Benjamin Franklin Invent Daylight Savings Time? 
  • Free: The Guggenheim Puts 65 Modern Art Books Online 
  • Life stranger than fiction: The Professor, the Bikini Model and the Suitcase Full of Trouble 
  • Interesting: How we go about adding new fonts to Typekit 
  • A Loog At Advertising Analytics 2.0 
  • WebKit for Developers by Paul Irish 
  • Rodent Mind Meld: Scientists Wire Two Rats' Brains Together 
  • How To Create A Science Prodigy 
  • 10 Mesmerizing Animated GIFs of Balanchine Ballets 
  • Trusting your instincts really does work, say scientists. You'll be right 90% of the time 
  • Upcoming Web Design Events 
  • From Gangnam Style to the Harlem Shake, Why We Just Can’t Resist a Dance Craze 
  • Video: This Stretchable Battery Could Power the Next Generation of Wearable Gadgets 
  • Mapping How the Brain Thinks 
  • How Does McCormick Pick the Top Flavors of the Year? 

Recommended This Week: 

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