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The Week's Links: December 20, 2013

All the links posted on social networks this week: 

  • Why the 9-to-5 Day Is So Tough on Creative Workers
  • Online publications see a future in print
  • Famous Writers’ Sleep Habits vs. Literary Productivity, Visualized
  • The Most Crucial Games of 2013: The New Yorker
  • Dickens, Darwin, Dr. Johnson: Millions of Images From the British Library Now Available Online
  • What You Look Like to a Social Network: The New Yorker
  • The Most Important Economic Stories of 2013—in 44 Graphs
  • 12 Tools For More Mindful Living
  • Why Good Programming Projects Go Bad
  • Where Are They Now? Fast Company checks in with last year's Most Innovative Companies to see how their big ideas fared in 2012...
  • ◉ Maira Kalman On The Power Of Lists, Maps And Organizing
  • The surprising reason we have a 40-hour work week (and why we should re-think it)
  • Music holds key to providing a quality education system
  • ◉ Recommended: Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries…
  • ◉ Jad Abumrad: How Did Radiolab Happen? Gut Churn
  • 19 Awesomely Designed Books From 2013 That Prove Print Isn’t Dead
  • Top physicists gather at Stanford to discuss the value of fundamental research
  • 5 Unsung Heroes Who Shaped Modern
  • 10 Things We've Learned About
  • Is the Future of the Internet in Iceland?
  • What is the Trick to Making the Most Waterproof Stuff on Earth?
  • Have Scientists Found a Way to Pop the Filter Bubble?
  • Can Bees Be Trained to Sniff Out Cancer?
  • ◉ Alain de Botton's Healing Arts…
  • ◉ Recommended: The Design of Everyday Things…
  • How Are Stores Tracking the Way That We Shop?
  • ◉ The Making Of A Groundbreaking Animation: Paperman
  • The Art and Science of Growing Snowflakes in a Lab
  • This is What Happens When You Ask Scientists to Explain Their PhDs in Dance
  • How Are Stores Tracking the Way That We Shop?
  • A New Education Lab Called Q?rius Aims to be the Mother of All Curiosity
  • Siberian Musicians Used the Frozen Surface of the World’s Largest Lake as a
  • Benjamin Franklin Invented a Glass
  • This Camera Capture Images in the Dark, Using Just a Few Particles of
  • You Can Be Really Good at Certain Skills Without Having Any Idea How They
  • The NYC Subways Will Give You a Late Slip If Your Train Is Delayed
  • ◉ The Code of Life…
  • ◉ The School of Life: Mark Earls on Copying and Originality
  • Mindlessly Snapping Photos at Museums Keeps People From Remembering the Actual Visit
  • Facebook’s Most Popular Check-In Spots This Year Include Places in Iceland, Argentina and Nigeria
  • Some Animals Don’t Get Weaker With
  • This River And Medieval Bridge, Paved Over for 100 Years, Will Soon Return to the
  • ◉ Everything is a Remix, Case Study: The iPhone…
  • How One Chinese Corporate Spy Dodged the FBI to Steal Inbred Corn Seeds from
  • ◉ Recommended: Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality…
  • It’s Not That Hard to Make People Do Bad Things
  • How Are Stores Tracking the Way That We Shop?
  • ◉ It's Okay To Be Smart: The PBS Renaissance Continues
  • Creative Ways to Bring Music to Students — Every Day!
  • 5 Historical Attempts to Ban Coffee
  • Kierkegaard on Anxiety &
  • Making the "Twin Peaks" Love
  • MIT's 3D motion-tracking tech can see you through walls, no camera needed
  • British Library uploads one million public domain images to the net for remix and
  • Google acquires Boston Dynamics, makers of robots as cool as they are terrifying
  • The Art of Rube Goldberg: (A) Inventive (B) Cartoon (C) Genius, A Book About the Famed Cartoonist & Inventor
  • Harnessing Collective Creativity To Develop An IQ Test
  • The British Library Puts 1,000,000 Images into the Public Domain, Making Them Free to Reuse & Remix
  • 20 Ways Sitting in Silence Can Completely Transform Your Life
  • In 1900, Ladies’ Home Journal Publishes 28 Predictions for the Year 2000
  • Science & Cooking: Harvard Profs Meet World-Class Chefs in Unique Online
  • Jawbone Tracked Hundreds Of Thousands Of Up Users To Find The Most Sleep-Deprived States
  • Oxford University Presents the 550-Year-Old Gutenberg Bible in Spectacular, High-Res Detail
  • Stephen Fry Profiles Six Russian Writers in the New Documentary Russia’s Open
  • Hephaestus and How Brokenness Contributes to Creativity
  • 4 Reasons Why Apple's iBeacon Is About to Disrupt Interaction Design
  • Free: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Guggenheim Offer 474 Free Art Books
  • Brain Stimulation May Induce the Human Will to Persevere
  • Street artists go to court to protect their work - A New York legal case is challenging traditional views of graffiti
  • The Guardian's responsive design team share some code to help make old browsers work with media queries
  • If a Story Is Viral, Truth May Be Taking a Beating
  • Incredible Photos From An Urban Explorer's Journeys To The Forbidden Parts Of The
  • The Rise and Fall of BlackBerry: An Oral History
  • Can You Really Learn a Skill in A Week? The Secrets Inside Tim Ferriss' Insanely Fast Learning Strategy
  • How The Fourth Dimension Of Sound Is Being Used For Live Concerts
  • New MIT Media Lab Tool Lets Anyone Visualize Unwieldy Government Data
  • The Revolutionary New Music Apps You Missed In 2013
  • ◉ The Week's Links: December 13, 2013…
  • 8 Beautiful Snow Scenes from
  • ◉ Recommended: Maximize Your Potential: Grow Your Expertise, Take Bold Risks & Build an Incredible Career…
  • ◉ Are You A Hipster? Do You Think Video Games Are Art? And Other Important Questions
  • In a petition to the UN, a group of authors agree that democratic rights must apply in virtual as in real space