Are You A Hipster? Do You Think Video Games Are Art? And Other Important Questions
PBS Idea Channel began this year with a quick look at New Year's resolutions and has continued the work they started last year, asking interesting, eccentric and often hilarious questions and pretty much twisting the worlds of pop culture, technology and art. Needless to say, I love the Idea Channel.
Video Games have finally made it to the Museum of Modern Art, so we thought we'd celebrate and put together a list of our top 5 most artful video games! Not our favorites, mind you. These are the ones that are packed with significance and emotional weight. How does your own list compare with these 5?
We all hate hipsters, right? They seem so smug and arrogant, with their ray bans and scarves and ironic t-shirts. Even those who clearly are hipsters still recoil at the label. Embracing irony over earnestness, the key to hipsters is not just what they enjoy, but how they enjoy it. Borrowing from other subcultures, (see: Handlebar mustaches and flannel shirts), hipsters reappropriate these fashion elements as their own. But don't we all do that? Our own fashion came from somewhere, and certainly has been refined. Do we all have a little bit of hipster blood in us?
Will Space travel change our perspective on the human condition?
Space, also known as The Final Frontier, has been in our collective dreams and fantasies for decades. Who wouldn't want to blast into space, experience zero gravity, or walk on the moon? But with limited funding to NASA, the day that had been promised to us for years (in addition to flying cars and hover boards), seems no closer now than it did 30 years ago. Could private research and funding be the future of galactic exploration? And maybe once we are all able to see the earth from a distance, we'll all gain some much needed perspective. So keep on truckin' Elon Musk, for humanity's sake.
New Year's Resolutions are incredibly hard to keep. Watch this special episode to find out why!
Previously on the Idea Channel:
Do We Want the World to End? Is Santa Like Wrestling? & Other Relevant QuestionsWhat Do Nic Cage, William Gibson, Doctor Who & Justin Bieber Have In Common?
Minecraft, Dubstep & the Olympics: Trying To Figure Out What More We Can Do
Here's an idea, PBS Idea Channel is TED Talks from the fringe
What are bronies, and are they changing the definition of masculinity?
PBS Idea Channel: Are Hologram Tupac And Hologram Freddie Mercury Nostalgia Or New Aesthetic?
Superflat Epic Minimalism And Hello Kitty
Is Instagram The Best Thing To Ever Happen To Photography?
I s “Texts From Hillary” Art?
Authenticity In Pop Music: Computer Generated Miku Hatsune vs. Marketing Generated Lana Del Rey
Super Mario Brothers Is The World’s Greatest Piece Of Surrealist Art