Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links: 8/12/12

All the items posted to Facebook and Twitter this week:

  • Landing: What I Learned This Week

  • The State of E-book Typography
  • Gocen optical music recognition can read a printed score, play notes in
  • The Wooster Group collaborates with the RSC for their first Shakespeare
  • To Boost Creativity, Study Abroad
  • Before Air-Conditioning by Arthur Miller : The New Yorker
  • Newsweek and The Daily Beast have top 25 rankings in various categories for
  • From Iraq To Lincoln Center, A Marine’s Return To Ballet
  • Make some coffee and get comfy: Mister Rogers’ Epic 9-Part, 4.5-Hour
  • The Great Discontent is a journal of interviews focusing on creativity, risk, and what connects us as artists.
  • Is An Inner Argument Holding Back Your Productivity?
  • Wikipedia Redefined - Agency redesigns the wikipedia experience
  • The surprising, stealth rebirth of the American arcade
  • James Beard Foundation and the Illumination Fund Collaborate on the NYC Green Cart Fresh Food Recipe Pack
  • Lack of Sleep Leads to Unethical
  • The Story Of Scandinavian Design: Combining Function and Aesthetics
  • Minecraft, Dubstep & the Olympics: Trying To Figure Out What More We Can
  • NASA Mohawk Guy Bobak Ferdowsi on Sci-Fi, Legos and Becoming a Meme#it'sokaytobeyou #it'
  • Why Great Ideas Get Rejected
  • 101 Best Restaurants in the World - Chosen by 53 of the finest chefs
  • Golden Opportunity: 10 Famous People Who Started Their Careers At McDonald's (And Loved It) /via @davepell
  • Whatever you’re making, make it way better than it has to be.
  • The Subway Map That Rattled New Yorkers - Vignelli's subway map turns 40
  • Horrifying cautionary tale: How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking. And back up, back up, back
  • Pulitzer & Tony Winner Doug Wright on Objects, Evidence and Writing What You Don't Know
  • Street Art Olympics: Banksy Works on 2012 London Games
  • The lost da Vinci: Is this painting found in Scottish farmhouse one of the master's lost works?
  • Reykjavik’s wild street art
  • Jonathan Ames: Fear of
  • Source Sans Pro: Adobe’s first open source type family
  • "Paul Rand: A Designer's Words" Hard to find book now free
  • Margaret Atwood offers online poetry prize – and a chance at literary
  • Four self-published authors on New York Times ebook bestseller list
  • A year inside The Australian Ballet: Episode 5 Music of the Classics
  • Vintage Motivational Cards from the Early 20th Century. So great.
  • The Longest Photographic Exposures in History
  • STEAM Ahead: Merging Arts and Science Education
  • Michael Bierut - A graphic designer considers communication
  • The Only Footage of Mark Twain in Existence | Smithsonian Magazine
  • David Droga, Ad-Agency Chairman, on Memorable Copy
  • Announcing Futures of Entertainment 6 Line-Up
  • Marvin Hamlisch, Composer of 'A Chorus Line,' Dies at 68
  • Oliver Burkeman on why everything takes longer than you think
  • Embedding copyright-infringing video is not a crime, court rules
  • Notes Towards a Philosophy of
  • A musicologist at Oxford University explains why music feels so important to all our
  • Why is the letter Z associated with sleep?
  • Creativity Top 5: The Olympic
  • NASA Is the Government's One True Viral Hit Factory
  • "I Draw Pictures All Day" Is doodling good for you?
  • Explore some good advice.
  • Voices for Freedom
  • The Straight Dope: Can opera singers shatter glass with their high notes?
  • Fascinating Construction Photos of World Famous Buildings and Bridges
  • Ten Suggestions for Raising Creative
  • Celebrating Curiosity
  • Visual Puns in Graphic Design by Steven Heller.
  • The 50 best apps for children, compiled by The Guardian
  • NASA Lands Car-Size Rover Beside Martian Mountain
  • 21 Free Hitchcock Movies Online
  • Machine Prints Food Smells On
  • Internet Pirates Will Always Win
  • London arts venues report mixed fortunes during Olympic Games
  • This is Now, Instagrams from major cities in real time. Addictive.

Recommended this week:

  • Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life By Anne
  • How to Live: Or A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer By Sarah Bakewell
  • Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking By Susan Cain
  • The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are By Brene Brown
  • Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error By Kathryn

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