Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links (3/25/12)

All the links posted to TwitterFacebook and Google+ this week: 

  • Why Do We Get Bored?
  • Seth Godin: The April Linchpin
  • Taking South Sudan to the Globe: Shakespeare from the newest nation
  • A Flash of Green Enhances
  • How simple ideas lead to scientific
  • ‘Damn Good Advice’ From One Of The Real ‘Mad Men’
  • The latest Radiolab: The Turing Problem is a must-listen for anyone interested in the origins of comp sci
  • Paola Antonelli on why design
  • Do You Have to Be Rude to Manage Like Steve Jobs?
  • Adobe launches Photoshop CS6 as a free public beta
  • Frida Kahlo’s Private Stash Of
  • The PBS Renaissance, Mario Bros. and Surrealist Art
  • Chase Jarvis Complete Photography
  • When Does Learning Begin?
  • What they don’t teach you about identity design in design school by Paula Scher
  • Really enjoying Dan Lewis’ (of Now I Know) new blog with one Fact and a Photo
  • Free apps eat up your phone battery just sending ads
  • How Creativity Works: Jonah Lehrer Says It’s All In Your Imagination
  • Bob Gill on how to have a good
  • Albert Einstein Archive Now Online, Bringing 80,000+ Documents to the Web
  • Creativity Top 5: Week of March
  • There is a New Behance today. A beautiful and effective way to display creative
  • Nature by Numbers Beautifully
  • Lego love again. Imagine with Lego ads feature minimal interpretations of cartoon
  • Your Brain On Fiction
  • StyleDocco generates documentation and style guide documents from your
  • Love this: blog network, serving a daily pinch of info beautifully.
  • Is Piracy the New Advertising?
  • When does a job become meaningful?
  • iPad App Case
  • Genius. Scientists to answer the question “what is a flame?” with answers to be judged by a panel of 11 year olds.
  • Why Bilinguals Are Smarter
  • Retraction | This American Life is an amazing hour of radio, if you haven’t listened to it already, you should…
  • Children whose minds wander ‘have sharper brains’