Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links (2.5.12)

All the links posted to TwitterFacebook and Google+ this week: 

  • Lost In Translation (What I Learned This Week)
  • An Introvert's Guide to Networking
  • Researchers have demonstrated a method to reconstruct words, based on the brain waves of patients thinking those words.
  • The Pirate Bay loads up on physical goods for you to download and 3d print at
  • 'A Clockwork Orange' Strikes 40
  • What happened to the former slave that wrote his old master? Follow up to yesterday's post.
  • Hans Rosling: The Jedi Master of data visualization
  • How can we make scientists and engineers as popular as sports heroes?
  • Escaping The Cult Of The Average & The Happy Secret To Better Work
  • 25 Things I Learned From Opening a
  • New developer tools in Firefox 10 and
  • Flash Hits Food: The Road To Instagram. Kevin Rose Interviews Kevin Systrom
  • 12 Tech Trends That Will Define 2012, Selected By Frog’s Design Minds
  • Military Succeeds in Creating Self-Guided Bullet. It Spots, Steers and Nails Its Target A Mile Away Fascinating & scary
  • To My Old Master: Slave owner writes to former slave demanding he come back. Slave replied with brilliant letter.
  • How to Approach a Responsive Design. Lessons learned from the Boston.comupdate.
  • Why are development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3? PMs pass along to your teams. /via @marcoarment
  • The Flaming Lips: Now I Understand ft. Siri & Erykah Badu Yes, that Siri.
  • The 1912 American Type Founders Specimen Book is now online.Type lovers
  • Picasso, Tate, 1960: the world's first 'art blockbuster'
  • TED2013: The Young. The Wise. The Undiscovered. 14 Cities. 6 Continents. Public Auditions.
  • The Future of Advertising 2012: Hear It From The Ad Students - Forbes
  • Game of Thrones Transmedia Case
  • Coca Cola's ambitious Super Bowl plan, the polar bears everywhere
  • Creativity Top 5: January 31,
  • The Truth: Creativity Comes From Blending Dissonant Goals Into Radical
  • Redesigning "Teachers"
  • How Helvetica Conquered The World With Its Cool, Comforting Logic
  • Making Big Decisions and Mastering the Consequences
  • Jonathan Franzen vs ebooks. Is he being naive?
  • The Future Of Screen Typography Is In Your Hands
  • How This 17-Year-Old's Breakup Inspired His Startup
  • In a world of gadgets when is digital type art? The Type Directors Club Judges Night
  • Here's The Thing: Lorne Michaels Fantastic interview by Alec Baldwin.
  • How the Mind Creates Ideas correlation between creative consciousness and quantum physics.
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald list of things to worry about for his 11 year old daughter.
  • A Copyright Quickie: Canada Is About To Pass Sopa’s Evil Little Brother. Politely.
  • What's Wrong With the Teenage Mind?
  • Working overtime doesn't increase your output. It make you stupid.
  • How To Set Smart Daily Goals