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Copy, Transform, Combine: Everything Is A Remix, The Complete Series

For more than a year I’ve been following the documentary series Everything is a Remix, written and remixed by Kirby Ferguson. I’ve posted all the parts of the series so far and today here they are all compiled in one location for easier viewing. This is a must-see series for anyone who produces creative work. 

I am in awe of the amount of work that it clearly took to create this series. I am also highly appreciative of the depth of information presented. If you want further background, including a master list of all the works sampled throughout the series, please visit

If you want to support Kirby, and really we all should, check out his next project This Is Not A Conspiracy Theory at Kickstarter

Part 1: The Song Remains The Same

Part 2: Remix, Inc.

Part 3: The Elements of Creativity

Part 4: System Failure

Two extras were created by Rob G. Wilson, with the support of Kirby, to further expand and themes expressed by the series.

The Matrix

Kill Bill

Lastly, always remember that life itself is a remix.