Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links: December 16, 2012

All the links posted on social networks this week:

  • The Making of XOXO, plus all the session videos. 
  • The Pleasures of Imperfection 
  • Love Of Spicy Food Is Built Into Your Personality 
  • 30 Great Moments In The History Of Robots 
  • What Schools Can Learn From Google, IDEO, and Pixar 
  • TED's Ads Worth Spreading Report (PDF) 
  • The Top 10 Smartest Cities In North America 
  • How to Train an Animator, by Walt Disney 
  • What storytelling does to our brains 
  • The sad, surprising story of Google Reader.  
  • Gift Ideas For Smarter Creativity 
  • The Design of a Site Meant to be Read 
  • Gestures as a New Dimension in Mobile Design 
  • Behind The App: The Making of Twitterrific 5 
  • Why your computer is getting cheaper but your broadband bill isn’t 
  • A Year Inside The Australian Ballet: Episode 9 - A 50th Birthday 
  • PBS series 'Shakespeare Uncovered' to dig deep into Bard's plays 
  • Researchers Create the Most Complex Virtual Brain So Far 
  • Listen to the BBC's radio version of Asimov's 'Foundation' trilogy online 
  • It's Your Life: The Holstee Manifesto Lifecycle Video 
  • Start your day with Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum's Object of the Day. 
  • Start your day with's What Happened Today in History 
  • Woody Allen answers 12 unusual questions 
  • A Year Inside The Australian Ballet: Episode 8 - The corps de ballet 
  • Amazing: Birds of a Feather 
  • Remarkable Macro Photographs of Ice Structures and Snowflakes 
  • Aaron Dignan: How to Use Games to Excel at Life and Work 
  • Ten things you never knew about Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol 
  • Why Leaders Should Constantly Reiterate What's Important 
  • Loren Brichter: Designs on the future of iOS apps 
  • How To Win At Self-Distribution If You're Not Louis C.K.: A Case Study For Creators And Marketers 
  • The Orchestra
  • Have the Courage to Be Direct - Anthony Tjan 
  • MIT Media Lab's Leah Buechley on falling in love with technology 
  • Cavemen Were Much Better At Illustrating Animals Than Artists Today 
  • Collecting the World's Collections of Small Oddities One Day at a Time 
  • Why Do We Hiccup? And Other Scientific Mysteries—Seen Through the Eyes of Artists 
  • The Insane Amount of Biodiversity in One Cubic Foot 
  • Ambient Noise Spurs Creativity 
  • Bacterial Life Abounds in Antarctic Lake, Cut Off From the World for 2,800 Years 
  • The First Use of OMG Was in a 1917 Letter to Winston Churchill 
  • For Adults, TV Can Serve the Same Role as an Imaginary Friend 
  • Understand Music
  • Creativity Top 5
  • Made By Hand: The Knife Maker 
  • Amazing Modernist Sandcastles Sculpted by Calvin Seibert 
  • There Are More Brainteasers About Crossing Rivers Than You Ever Imagined 
  • 20 Game-Changing Technology Trends That Will Create Both Disruption and Opportunity on a Global Level 
  • The Paper That Changed Type Design 
  • Beautiful: 20 Inspiring Typography Posters 
  • Kafka’s Nightmare Tale, ‘A Country Doctor,’ Told in Award-Winning Japanese Animation 
  • The Four Fears Blocking You from Great Ideas 
  • World's Largest Brain Simulation Has 2.5 Million Neurons 
  • A great new tumblr: Photoshop Secrets 
  • New research suggests specially selected nocturnal odors can inspire creativity. 
  • Give A Damn, Damn It: Reddit Co-founder Alexis Ohanian 
  • Learning by Design: It's Not What You Know, But How You Think 
  • What Neuroscience Really Teaches Us, and What It Doesn't 
  • The Neuroscience of Creativity 
  • Made By Hand: The Distiller. A short-film series on hand-made things. 
  • Raymond Chandler, "The Simple Art of Murder"(1950) 
  • New Cadbury chocolate doesn't melt, even at 104 degrees 
  • The Code Side Of Color 
  • 7 Basic Types of Stories: Which One Is Your Brand Telling? 
  • The Best Ads And Creative Talent Of The Last 50 Years, According to Britain's D&AD 
  • How encryption works in your web browser. 

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