Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Link: November 18, 2012

All the links posted on social networks this week:

  • As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living 
  • 11 Badass Neil deGrasse Tyson Quotes 
  • And Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the Year Is … GIF 
  • Richard Silver's New York Churches Panoramas  /via @Coudal
  • Matt Molloy's gorgeous series of sky images 
  • The human central processing unit, slice by slice. 
  • Dan Ariely Presents “A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior” in Upcoming MOOC 
  • The Patent Fix: A Wired series on the patent problem 
  • How To Sell A $1 Snow Globe For $59: The Real ROI Of Brand Storytelling 
  • Inside the MIT Media Lab: Big Data, Privacy, Modern Cities and More 
  • Another great interview: Robin Sloan, Author and 'Media Inventor' 
  • The Met’s Exhibition Catalogs Are Revived for a Digital Life, available online. 
  • Great interview: Oliver Reichenstein on design 
  • Adweek's 2012 Brand Genius Awards 
  • Steve Cober: On Quitting Your Day Job & Building A Business With Heart 
  • Your Brain by the Numbers
  • Do slang and vulgarity belong in the dictionary? A look at America's greatest language controversy 
  • What do birds do in a hurricane? 
  • Does TV actually brainwash? 
  • Copy, Transform, Combine 
  • Timing is everything. But exactly how the brain keeps time, which it does very well, has been something of a mystery. 
  • Kermit the Frog Learns to Love Jazz Through “Visual Thinking” (1959) 
  • Educating Players: Are Games the Future of Education? 
  • How Do You Raise a Prodigy?
  • Love these images of dancers out of the stage. 
  • Square Wallet, the Apple Store, and Uber: Software Above the Level of a Single Device 
  • So great: Artist Creates Intricate Paper Cut Patterns On Newspapers 
  • I Saw The Future Of Advertising And It's Pretty Awesome 
  • All Consuming Passion 
  • The Stockdale Paradox: How Optimism Creates Resilience 
  • Excellent typography: Industrial-Strength Types 
  • The Icon in the Costume Shop: Valentino at NYC Ballet 
  • Sir Tim Berners-Lee: Raw data, now! 
  • Inner ear implant uses biological battery to self-charge 
  • Experience Relativity Firsthand In MIT Video Game That Slows The Speed Of Light 
  • 4 studies on the surprising science of mind-wandering 
  • Useful Talks And Videos From Web Design Conferences 
  • PBS Arts: Off Book - Episode 6: Street Art 
  • The History And Impact Of The Red Cross 
  • The Secret Lives of Kitchen Spices 
  • 25 College Classes Based on TV Shows 
  • Three Studios Agree to Let a Guild Certify Credits for Film Producers 
  • Rare and Iconic Photos of Einstein Celebrate His Nobel Win 90 Years Ago 
  • The Crisis in Higher Education: MIT Technology Review 
  • Get To Know NYC Ballet
  • Amazing to see the places tweets come from: The one million tweet map #onemilliontweetmap 
  • Cool: With Tinkercad you can quickly turn your idea into a CAD model for a 3D printer. 
  • Arts Branding Sucks. Here Are 4 Ways To Fix It 
  • TED introduces Playlists: Collections for curious minds 
  • A Short Lesson in Perspective 
  • Will we ever understand how our brains work? 
  • When Truman Capote set out to profile Marlon Brando for The New Yorker in 1957, he knew just how to set his traps 
  • Beth Comstock: You Have To Tell A Story, Before You Can Sell A Story 
  • How to Devise Passwords That Drive Hackers Away 
  • The Legendary George Nelson On Creating A Design-Driven Company 
  • Front-end development standards 
  • Creativity Top 5: November 12, 2012
  • #InPraiseOfTheHashtag - The NYTimes.comexplains the hashtag. 
  • From the diary of Jim Henson: Imagination Illustrated 
  • Inside The Mind Of A Chef
  • Your Employee Is an Online Celebrity. Now What Do You Do? 
  • Hypercollaborations: An Interview with Tod Machover 
  • Key to American Innovation? Incorporating Art and Design into Education 
  • Stop Being a People-Pleaser 
  • John Rauser: What is a Career in Big Data? 
  • The History of Humans is the History of Technology: The Millions Interviews Robin Sloan 
  • In Experiments, Caffeine Accelerates the Brain's Verbal Processing 
  • The Mystery of Human Blood Types 
  • Early Bow and Arrows Offer Insight Into Origins of Human Intellect 
  • Dear Brands, Tell Us A Story - Love Consumers 
  • Meet the Salak, the Ubiquitous Indonesian Fruit You've Never Heard Of 
  • Favorites From the Cooper-Hewitt's New Online Collection 
  • Art as Therapy: How to Age Creatively 
  • Amazing Close-Ups of Seeds 
  • The Scientific Reason Complementary Colors Look Good Together 
  • How Astronauts Take Such Beautiful Photographs in Space 

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