Show Your Work! A new series by Austin Kleon
Recently I read a book that I enjoyed very much becuase it delivered a potent message with great panache. The book is Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative By Austin Kleon. This is how Amazon describes the book:
You don’t need to be a genius, you just need to be yourself. That’s the message from Austin Kleon, a young writer and artist who knows that creativity is everywhere, creativity is for everyone. A manifesto for the digital age, Steal Like an Artist is a guide whose positive message, graphic look and illustrations, exercises, and examples will put readers directly in touch with their artistic side.
And now I discover that Kleon has begun a series of shorts that continue the themes of the book. Show Your Work! Sharing Creativity in the Digital Age is made using Keynote to animate and Quicktime to edit.
Episode 1: Vampires (above) is about Pablo Picasso, Constantin Brancusi, and how to decide who to let in and out of your life. Episode 2: Falling Out (below) is a story about Bob Ross, his mentor Bill Alexander, and what happens when a student surpasses his master.