Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links (8.21.11)

All the links posted to Facebook and Twitter (@) this week:

  • Glamour Mag Flavored Donuts Hit Shelves in U.K.
  • Portraits Can Get Your Pulse Pounding - Miller-McCune
  • Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops
  • Well done is better than well sued
  • Has the Patent Game Changed? Just Ask Kodak
  • H. P. Lovecraft’s Commonplace Book | Beyond The Beyond
  • The Fried Chicken War by Rebecca Federman - Lapham’s
  • ‘Jim Henson’s Fantastic World’ at Museum of the Moving Image
  • Inside Google’s User Experience Lab: An Interview With Google’s Marcin Wichary - Smashing Magazine
  • Temporary tattoos fitted with electronics make flexible, ultrathin
  • Two decades of the web: a brief history | Prospect Magazine
  • What If Tim Berners-Lee Had Patented The Web?
  • Terry Gilliam Shows You How to Make Your Own Cutout
  • Google Maps mashup explores flight paths’ hidden treasures
  • Reading on the iPad — Shawn Blanc
  • the color of: an attempt to find out the color of anything
  • Oreo Cameo - Judith G. Klausner These are incredible.
  • How It’s Made: Instant Film for Polaroid Cameras
  • The UI Geniuses At Berg Rethink The Common Receipt | Co.
  • 30+ Informative Typography Related Blogs
  • Defending The Generalists In The Web Design Industry - Smashing Magazine
  • A Conversation on Transmedia with Henry Jenkins and Lance
  • Letters of Note: Bill Gates’ The Internet Tidal Wave An internet classic.
  • CreativeJS | The very best of creative JavaScript and HTML5
  • Creativity Top 5: August 15, 2011
  • Montessori Builds Innovators - Andrew McAfee
  • Spoilers Don’t Spoil Anything Therefore:
  • 9 Reasons Why Failure Is Not Fatal
  • Why the role of a “Digital Strategist” needs to evolve / Constant
  • How Smart People Think
  • Useful Ideas And Guidelines For Good Web Form Design - Smashing Magazine
  • Futures of Entertainment 3: Program 11/21-22/11
  • On Keeping It Simple :: The 99 Percent
  • Networked Knowledge and Combinatorial Creativity | Brain Must see.
  • The Elusive Big Idea - What is the point of an idea? Are ideas dead? Is thinking dead?