Smarter Creativity

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The player IS the story: why the big gaming publishers don't get transmedia

This is almost certainly a budget issue, but at the very least, the concept of transmedia will only become truly interesting when singular creative visionaries are brought onboard. A Grand Theft Auto novel penned by Bret Easton Ellis, or a Grant Morrison Dark Souls comic book; hand Dead Space to Neil Marshall, or Mass Effect to Matthew Vaughn. The last person a video game tie-in should be given to is a meek and respectful freelance hack, just glad of the chance to meet the guys who made his favourite sci-fi game series.


If transmedia is really going to work as a mainstream consumer concept rather than a marketing endeavour or a cult experiment, it will have to involve stories designed from the ground up to be both interactive and platform agnostic. Otherwise, all we're really doing is selling comic books to completists.