Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links (10.30.11)

All the links posted to Facebook and Twitter (@) this week: 

  • CultureLab: What it means to donate your brain
  • Check out a rebroadcast of MoMA's Talk To Me symposium
  • Trick or Trick
  • The 21st Century Brain: A New Series at Big Think
  • All Hallow's Read: A (new) old tradition by Neil Gaiman
  • HOME: A Ghost Story A fantastic transmedia adventure just in time for Halloween.
  • IQ Isn't Set In Stone, Suggests Study That Finds Big Jumps, Dips In
  • Data Without Borders: Using data in the service of humanity
  • A Brief History of Web Standards : Vitamin T
  • Setting the Scene for a Productive Day
  • A Brief History of Web Standards : Vitamin T
  • The Hunt For The New
  • Brave New Thermostat: How the iPod’s Creator Is Making Home Heating Sexy
  • Chris Poole: Our identity is like a diamond, multi-faceted
  • Steven Levy on Facebook, Spotify and the Future of Music |
  • How teenagers keep reinventing language
  • The Pixar Blog: Pixar Celebrates the Art of the Colorscript this book now.
  • “Why’s this so good?” No. 17: Meyer Berger delivers on
  • Color Advice and Insights from the Experts - Sensational Color
  • Five choreographers nominate their favourite living artist in their
  • The Volkswagen Beetle. Juiced Up with Augmented Reality
  • The Insatiable Appetite for 'Sleep No More' My favorite performance of the year, decade.
  • Great print ads for classic apps using clever QR codes.
  • How Great Companies Think Differently - Harvard Business
  • Publishing: The Worst Business in the World by Ben Tarnoff perspective.
  • PBS Arts: Off Book - Episode 7: Etsy Art & Culture
  • Joss Whedon's film version of Shakespeare's Much Ado About How on earth did no one know he filmed this...
  • What Good Design Can Teach Us About Motivation
  • Brand Genius: Steve Jobs Tribute | Adweek's Tim Nudd looks at Jobs influence in advertising.
  • Playing with reality, the middle-aged future and sadomasochism at Playful 2011
  • The Museum of Mathematics Opening in NYC 2012
  • John McCarthy (1927-2011), Computer Scientist Who Coined The Term Artificial Intelligence & Inventor of Lisp
  • Creativity Top 5: October 24, 2011
  • You Are Not Your Name and Photo: A Call to Re-Imagine Identity by 4chan Founder
  • Have we, like, lost our conviction? You know?
  • DESIGNerd, A Trivia Game That Pits You Against Stefan Sagmeister And Steve Heller
  • Medieval Marketing, Grant McCracken on secrets hidden on plain sight and playful marketing.
  • Innovation 101: Stanford's Teaches Students to Be
  • A Master Plan for Taking Back Control of Your Life