Smarter Creativity

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The Week's Links (10.16.11)

All the links posted to Facebook and Twitter (@) this week: 

  • Cindy Gallop: GW@MIT Empowerment Conference Keynote
  • The Playwright’s Reward - Can playwrights make a living just writing?
  • How Geniuses Think
  • The Creative Brain On Exercise
  • Barry Michels, Therapist for Blocked Screenwriters : The New
  • Kerning.js Kern, style, transform, and scale your web type with real CSS rules, automatically.
  • Great interactive iPad books
  • Shit That Siri Says That was fast. Siri is one funny AI.
  • Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011: Computer scientist, Unix co-creator, C programming language designer
  • 10 Inspiring accounts to follow on Instagram
  • The Inside Story: 5 Secrets To Pixar’s Success
  • Live And Work With A Bias Toward Action
  • Action Choreographer Elizabeth Streb: On Taking Big Risks & The Power of Action Great video.
  • Kern Type, the kerning game Fantastic, and it’s multitouch capable.
  • The Psychologist’s View of UX Design
  • TED Talks videos, played randomly. It’s TEDchannelTV
  • The Seven Habits of Highly Obsessive People
  • How Twitter And Facebook Helped Bing Thom Design A Public
  • Everything is a Remix: The Matrix
  • Museo Nacional del Prado: Rubens 360º (video online interactivo) Visit the museum from your browser.
  • Hearing Bilingual - How Babies Tell Languages Apart -
  • The World’s Best Subway Maps
  • Brave Thinkers 2011 - The Atlantic’s guide to people taking risks in pursuit of big ideas.
  • The Prop Master: Ross Macdonald, Forger for Screens Big and
  • Einstein’s Secret to Amazing Problem Solving (and 10 Specific Ways You Can Use It)
  • Copy, Transform, Combine
  • 25 Insights on Becoming a Better Writer
  • An experiment in opening up the Guardian’s news coverage to complete news-making transparency.
  • What Motivates Us To Do Great Work?
  • Australian Wine Uses Infographics as Its Bottle Labels
  • Creativity Top 5: October 10, 2011 Special Edition
  • Reigniting Your Creative Spark
  • Paulo Coelho on Six Secrets to Mastering Facebook and
  • We’re all marketers now
  • All Consuming Passion
  • Kerning + tracking letterforms for logos; the definitive thesis (or why I obsess over typography)
  • The Beauty Of Typography: Writing Systems And Calligraphy Of The
  • The Steve Jobs MBA in 14 Lessons